8 Tips for Better Sleep

  • author name Marygrace Lomboy, MSN, CRNP, ACHPN, CWCN
child sleeping

Getting a good night’s sleep is a challenge many people face. Sleep issues range from trouble falling asleep to waking suddenly in the pre-dawn hours, mind racing down that highway of distress with no exit ramp in sight. The next morning you feel tired, cranky and more anxious…and the cycle continues. Luckily, there are steps you can take to drift off to dreamland...and stay there all night!  

Sleep and Your Health

Getting a sufficient amount of quality sleep is essential for good health. While you’re asleep your body and mind recharge, leaving you refreshed the next day. Sleep helps you stay healthy and reduces the risk of disease.

How to Get Better Sleep

  1. Limit the amount of screen time prior to going to sleep. The blue light from your smart phone, tablet, laptop and other screens tells your brain to stop producing melatonin (a sleep hormone), which can lead to trouble falling asleep.
  2. Try to keep a schedule while at home and avoid taking long naps that may disrupt your nighttime sleep cycle. 
  3. Monitor your intake of caffeine and alcohol—both of these can cause wakefulness.
  4. Create a soothing ritual for yourself prior to sleep, such as taking a bath, reading a book, or meditating.  
  5. Limit media exposure, especially right before bedtime.
  6. Take time to connect with others. We may be social distancing, but that doesn't mean we have to socially isolate. We need each other right now!
  7. Try using a weighted blanket, which may help to improve the quality of your sleep.
  8. Try the "20 Breaths" mindfulness exercise to help relax your autonomic nervous system.

20 Breaths Practice

This is a simple tool to help you create a powerful moment of relaxation and shift from feelings of stress and anxiety. By practicing this technique, you will learn how to tap into the natural, calming resource within yourself that is never further away than your next breath. Here’s how it works:

  • Come to a complete stop of whatever you are doing or thinking.
  • Take in one breath, giving it your complete attention. Noticing the inhale, the pause on the end of the inhale, and then the exhale and the slight pause on the end of the exhale.
  • Repeat this for 20 breaths, using your fingers to count. Don't try to change the rhythm of your breath; just breathe naturally. The goal is to be present with each breath, staying in the moment and thinking only about the breath you are taking.
  • If your mind starts to wander, simply notice the distraction and gently bring yourself back to your next breath.
  • Be gentle and kind to yourself during this practice.

You may find yourself feeling very relaxed or even drifting to sleep while doing this exercise. Like meditation, 20 Breaths is a practice—the more you try it, the more effective it will become. Practice regularly to activate relaxation, rest and hopefully a better night's sleep!

author name

Marygrace Lomboy, MSN, CRNP, ACHPN, CWCN

Marygrace Lomboy, MSN, CRNP, ACHPN, CWCN, is an educator with LG Health Holistic Therapy. She completed the teacher-training program in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction at the University of California, San Diego, before becoming a certified yoga instructor. As a continuing education speaker, she has provided seminars across the country in mindfulness, anxiety reduction, palliative care, wound management, compassion fatigue, and resiliency.

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