MyLGHealth is an easy, secure way to manage your Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health care online. Here's how it works.

Stay in touch with your care team

Have a question for your doctor? You can send non-urgent messages to your care team and get a response within two business days. MyLGHealth can also be used to refill prescriptions, request referrals, and read after-visit notes from your doctors.

Schedule visits and check in online

Need to schedule an appointment with your physician or lab test? We make it easy to find and schedule an option that works for you. You can even complete some check-in steps online before your visit (such as verifying your address, allergies and current medications) or join an electronic waitlist so you can be notified if an earlier appointment becomes available.

Get test results and notes from your doctor

MyLGHealth lets you access your test results online when they become available. You’ll even be able to access past results individually and graph your progress. MyLGHealth also offers easy access to notes written and shared by your care team during your outpatient visits. These notes often include important information on taking medications or managing a condition.

Access and share your health information

MyLGHealth lets you easily and securely share your Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health information with other providers.

Pay your bill online

You can securely pay your bill online at or with the MyLGHealth app. This feature lets you pay your Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health provider or hospital bills, review your payment history and statements, and send secure messages directly to customer service regarding bills or payment.

Ready to get started?

Sign up now to get the most out of your Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health care with MyLGHealth. Already have an account? Login.

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