True wellness is about being healthy and secure in all aspects of life, from having a stable place to live to having access to healthy foods. Our Community Health team provides the tools, resources, guidance, and education to help you get and stay healthier, through proven programs that strengthen the body, ease the mind, and lift the spirit. We provide services to our patients and to anyone in the community through numerous community partnerships.

man buying fruit at market stand

Dedicated to Our Community's Well Being

Caring for the health of our community means providing support for a wide range of issues and needs.

At Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, we are committed to making our community a healthier place for all of us by supporting and providing services that address a wide range of community health needs. Beyond just delivering care at our hospital and doctors’ offices, we work tirelessly with community partners to positively influence the overall health of our community through initiatives and programs that provide care. 

In This Section...

Community Programs

Along with our community partners, we are committed to making Lancaster County a healthier place for all of us by addressing the many factors that impact health.

Classes and Events

Find and register for local classes and events.

Physical Activity and Nutrition

Physical activity and healthy food access are key aspects of wellness.

Wellness and Prevention Blogs

Find health tips, blog articles, recipes and more to support your wellness goals.

Community Support Groups

Find community led support groups or start your own to support others in the area.

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