Sees newborns through age 18
I grew up in a small college town in western Pennsylvania. After graduating from Eastern Mennonite College in Harrisonburg, Virginia, I spent a gap year working and traveling in Europe. I returned to the US to commence my medical studies at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. I went on to complete my residency in Pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia and A. I. duPont Institute in Delaware. In 1994, I joined LG Health Physicians Roseville Pediatrics. I have a special interest in children and youth with special healthcare needs and providing a medical home for their care. I especially love the differing ages and stages of development that pediatrics offers and strive to help parents and families gain confidence in the raising of their children to be thriving, growing individuals. When not at work, I love being immersed in a good book or a movie, relaxing at the New Jersey shore, or riding bike in Lancaster farm country.
1570 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601
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Lancaster General Health Kissel Hill Suite 202 51 Peters Road Lititz, PA 17543
very knowledgeable and great bedside manner
thorough yet efficient
informative. kind.
she is knowledgeable and always spends as much time with us as we need
dr. zehr is compassionate, caring knowledgeable and pays attention to details
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