Sees newborns through age 18
Not accepting new patients
Dr. Ammons is not accepting new patients at this time. Below are alternate providers who are currently accepting new patients:
I grew up in a rural community in Central Pennsylvania then pursued my undergraduate and medical education in New Jersey. My husband and I completed our residencies in Pittsburgh. I have lived in Lancaster since 2002 and love the community, the small town vibe, and the access to big cities. I enjoy partnering with families to educate them about health topics, safety, immunizations, and growth and development. I love watching children and families grow and change over time. Outside of the office, I am an avid reader, love to cook, travel and enjoy spending time with my family and numerous pets. I enjoy tinkering in my garden and pond. My husband is an emergency medicine physician. We have two adult children, a son and a daughter.
1570 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601
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Lancaster General Health Kissel Hill Suite 202 51 Peters Road Lititz, PA 17543
very nice
outstanding provider who takes the time to know her patients and their interests .
she was kind and respectful to both child and parent.
i already recommended her to friends
dr. ammons has been treating our children since they were babies. our family feels very comfortable with her and trust her with our children's care.
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