Faten N. Aberra, MD, MSCE

5.0 with 218 ratings
Programs: Penn Endoscopy and GI Diagnosis Services Penn Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Program

Penn Medicine provider

Nuzhat Ahmad, MD

4.9 with 85 ratings
Programs: Penn Biliary and Pancreatic Diseases Program Penn Endoscopy and GI Diagnosis Services Penn Gastrointestinal Cancer Program

Penn Medicine provider

Nitin K. Ahuja, MD, MS

4.9 with 114 ratings
Programs: Penn General Gastroenterology Services Penn Neurogastroenterology and Motility Program

Penn Medicine provider

placeholder image: silhouette of female physician

Physician Assistant

Katherine Alexander, PA-C

No patient ratings. Why not?
Programs: Penn Esophageal and Swallowing Disorders Program Penn Gastroenterology Program

Penn Medicine provider

Brenda A. Appolo, PA-C

Physician Assistant

Brenda A. Appolo, PA-C

4.9 with 294 ratings
Programs: Penn Gastroenterology Program Penn Liver Diseases Program Penn Liver Metabolism and Fatty Liver Program

Penn Medicine provider

placeholder image: silhouette of female physician

Nurse Practitioner

Nicole Belle, MD, PhD

No patient ratings. Why not?
Program: Penn General Gastroenterology Services

Penn Medicine provider

Meenakshi Bewtra, MD, MPH, PhD

4.9 with 58 ratings
Programs: Penn Endoscopy and GI Diagnosis Services Penn Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Program

Penn Medicine provider

Therese Bittermann, MD, MSCE

No patient ratings. Why not?
Programs: Penn General Gastroenterology Services Penn Liver Diseases Program Penn Liver Metabolism and Fatty Liver Program Penn Liver Transplant Program

Penn Medicine provider