Mother drinking from a teacup looking out the window.

You’ve done the cycle tracking, ovulation estimations, and attempted to get pregnant at just the right moment…and then you wait to see if you’re successful. The time between ovulation and (hopefully) a missed period is often referred to as the “Two Week Wait,” and those two weeks can feel wayyyy longer. Here are a few things to keep in mind in the time between trying to get pregnant, and taking a pregnancy test.

Don’t Test Too Early

After an embryo implants into the uterine wall, it takes time before there’s enough of the “pregnancy hormone” called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to even be detected by a blood test, let alone an at-home pregnancy test. This is the reason it’s not recommended to take a pregnancy test until the day your period should arrive (about 14 days after ovulation). After all—it’s stressful enough when it comes time to take a pregnancy test, let alone playing the ‘is that a faint line?’ “Is this a false negative?” guessing game. As hard as it might be, waiting to test ensures a more accurate result.

Pregnancy and Premenstrual Symptoms are Similar

When you think you might be pregnant, it’s hard not to over-analyze every twinge you feel in your body. Cramping, bloating, fatigue and achy breasts could point to pregnancy…but could also mean your period may be starting soon. Acknowledge the feelings or things you notice about your body, take a deep breath, and move on with your day.

Don’t Do Anything You Wouldn’t Do When Pregnant

During the two-week wait, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Avoid having a drink, smoking, or any other activity that could be harmful to a brand new pregnancy. It’s fine to continue exercising if you already have a workout routine, but now might not be the time to take up a new, intense form of exercise. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to start taking the best possible care of yourself to support a healthy pregnancy.

Keep Yourself Busy

The two-week wait can be a rollercoaster of emotions—anxiety, excitement, worry, and more excitement. Try your best not to fixate too much on the passing time, or what’s going on in your body. Stick to your normal schedule, do some activities you enjoy (spa day, anyone?), and spend time with family or friends when possible to take your mind off of the wait.

Communicate with Your Partner

Share your feelings with your partner—and encourage them to do the same. Allow yourselves to share in the excitement and hope of this time. And share your worries as a way to get them off of your chest, too. Make a plan of what you’ll do together after taking a pregnancy test—plan a date night out, schedule a movie night, or do another activity you enjoy together. Whether you’re celebrating good news or distracting each other from disappointing news, be sure to lean on each other. You’re in this together.

We’re wishing you luck during your two-week wait, lady!
