baby smiling

Newborn routines can be incredibly repetitive day in and day out: lots of eating, lots of sleeping, and lots of diaper changes. But did you know that play and stimulation is also important to fit into baby’s routine, even at this very early stage of life? Purposefully engaging with your newborn is one of the best ways for you to teach them how to communicate and socialize, and help boost their cognitive development.

Here are six of our favorite activities that are fun and easy to do with your infant.

1. Tummy Time On Your Chest

Some newborns don’t mind tummy time—and others really DO mind. Babies with a strong dislike of spending time on their tummy might get fussy, cry, or even give up and lay on the floor without raising their head at all. But most babies find more enjoyment during tummy time if their mom or dad is directly involved. Lay down on your back, and place baby chest to chest with you. Talk to them, sing songs, and make silly faces, and they’ll be encouraged to lift their head to find your face. As they gain more neck control, they might even chat back to you!

2. Baby Massage

Infant massage is incredibly beneficial for your little one. Massage can help babies relax, increase the bonds between you, and stimulate your little one’s right and left brain functions. And the best part is that it’s never too early to start infant massage. Use it as part of your bed time or bath time routine. The more you perform infant massage, the more beneficial it is for your little one. Our Holistic Therapy & Support Services has provided some great tips and different massage strokes to try with your baby.

3. Music and Dancing

The power of music and movement is for all ages. If you and baby need a change in your routine, put on some music and rock out. Most newborns love to be on the move, so swaying or dancing gently with them in your arms or in a carrier can be a great activity for you and your baby. And even if you can’t carry a tune, baby will love listening to the sound of your voice as you sing along. As a bonus, dancing and some good music can be an instant mood booster for you.

4. Reading

Don’t skip story time with your newborn. In fact, it’s one of the most important activities you can do with babies of any age. Studies show that reading to your baby can boost their literacy and language skills as many as four years later when they’re almost ready for kindergarten. The combination of the sound of your voice, your inflection and tone while you’re reading, and interesting colors and patterns on the pages do wonders for your baby’s development.

5. Narrate Your Day

Your baby’s favorite sound in the world is probably your voice. Even if they don’t understand your words just yet, chatting to your newborn as you go about your day can be a great way to offer them some speech and sensory development. Sure it might feel strange to be talking to a tiny human that doesn’t speak yet, but even small sentences like “‘Ok, now we’re going to get dressed and go visit grandma!’ 'Let’s take the puppy on a walk.’ 'Today you’re going to wear this pretty blue shirt.’” is entertaining and stimulating for your little one.

6. Play with Sensory Toys

Use different toys and objects from your house to give your baby the ultimate sensory experience of different sights, sounds, and textures:

  • Sight: Your baby’s vision is limited very early on, but they can still clearly make out large patterns and objects with distinct colors. Place objects with large shapes, highly-contrasting colors, or black and white patterned toys in their field of vision to help them experience some interesting visuals. A mobile above their crib, play gym on the floor, or toys to look at during tummy time are also great for visual stimulation.
  • Sounds: Baby toys make all sorts of unique sounds that may be of great interest to your baby. Consider a lineup of different toys that make different sounds, such as rattles, crinkly books, squeaky toys, or toys that sing songs or make silly noises. While your baby might not be able to hold toys quite yet, you can help make the noises or help them hold on while they explore the toy.
  • Textures: Grab a bunch of different toys or items from the house and help baby touch or grab them. What kinds of things might be interesting for them to feel? Consider items that are soft, silky, warm, cold, bumpy, squishy — the list goes on!

It’s never too early to start helping your baby experience the world through play. But it’s also important to remember you shouldn’t feel pressure to fill every waking moment with activities for your newborn. One of the best things you can do to pass the time with your infant is to snuggle with them and shower them with love.
