mother feeding baby

“You can’t get pregnant if you’re breastfeeding.” Maybe you’ve heard this myth before…and we should warn you, it’s just that—a myth! The truth is you can get pregnant while you’re breastfeeding, even if your menstrual cycle hasn’t returned to normal. Here’s what you need to know.

I’ve Heard You Can Use Breastfeeding as a Form of Birth Control

While the chances of getting pregnant can be lower when breastfeeding, it’s not a recommended form of birth control.

If I Haven’t Gotten My Period While Breastfeeding, Why Can I Get Pregnant?

The biggest reason is simply not knowing exactly when your menstrual cycle may come back. The amount of time from childbirth to your cycle returning varies widely for every woman, whether breastfeeding or not. Because of this, ovulation can happen unknowingly. And if the released egg is fertilized, a pregnancy could occur. If it’s not fertilized, you can expect your period to make its return to normal.

What Forms of Birth Control Can I Use if I’m Breastfeeding?

This is an important conversation to have with your provider before you give birth, or very soon after. Non-hormonal methods of birth control such as condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps (with or without spermicide) can be used without affecting breastfeeding at all. And while safe when breastfeeding, it’s important to note that they’re not as effective at preventing pregnancy as other forms of birth control.

In terms of hormonal birth control, many providers recommend the mini-pill, or a progestin-only pill, for breastfeeding mamas. While a small amount of the progestin hormone passes through breastmilk, it has no known effects on your baby. IUDs, the Depo Provera shot and implants (such as Nexplanon) may also be used safely while breastfeeding, and are not known to affect the quantity or quality of your breastmilk.  

Once you’re done breastfeeding, your provider may recommend switching to a combination pill or another form of birth control that contains both estrogen and progestin. Nuva Ring and skin patch birth controls are also effective combination hormonal birth control options that can be safely used after you’re done breastfeeding.

Is it Safe to Continue Breastfeeding if I Get Pregnant?

While breastfeeding your little one while you’re pregnant with another baby is generally considered safe, this is something that’s important to discuss with your provider. Pregnancy can have an effect on the taste of your breastmilk, and breastfeeding while pregnant may increase your odds of morning sickness, breast tenderness, and fatigue.

We know that it can be tricky to navigate how to handle birth control and breastfeeding, and here’s our best advice. Speak with your provider, discuss your goals for family planning, and work together to decide on a birth control option that will allow you to avoid another pregnancy until you’re ready for it, mama.
