Couple seeing a positive prenancy test together.

When you and your partner find out you’re pregnant, you’ll likely share a lot of similar emotions: excitement, shock, nerves, and amazement. But there are some things your partner simply won’t be able to relate to as they’re not experiencing the pregnancy first hand. Here’s what your partner should know about the first trimester, and how they can be your go-to support person as you progress through your pregnancy.

You Might Feel Exhausted

You (and your partner) might be amazed at just how tiring it can be to grow a tiny human—especially in the first trimester. Soaring levels of the progesterone hormone can put you to sleep the minute you sit down. That can really put a damper on an evening of TV binges (let alone date nights) with your partner. 

Your partner’s role? Let mama rest when she needs to rest. This might mean your partner needs to step in and pick up more than their half of the usual household tasks. And while it can feel uncomfortable to ask for help, now’s not the time to be superwoman. Listen to your body, and be transparent with your partner when you need some time to rest. 

Ask your partner to do the dishes after dinner so that you get to bed early, or take your dog on a walk so you can sneak in a midday nap. While it can seem strange to have a partner who is constantly tired or falling asleep, rest assured this will ease up in the second trimester and you’ll be feeling more like yourself. 

You Might Feel Sick

Morning sickness is REAL, lady. And while you might be one of the lucky ones who doesn’t feel nauseous—there may also be days when you feel icky all. day. long. It truly does differ from one pregnant person to another, and some trial and error in what to eat (or not eat) to ease your nausea might be in order. 

Your partner can be a huge help on this front. They can assist with the grocery shopping and make sure your pantry and refrigerator are stocked with easy-to-stomach foods (and brew you a cup of ginger tea while they’re at it). 

It can also be extremely helpful for your partner to take the lead on food preparation on days when you’re not feeling up-to-par. Some pregnant mamas get nauseous at the thought of meat, let alone having to prepare and cook it. And on that note—if there’s a food that brings on the vomiting, your partner can do you a huge favor and avoid eating it around you.

You Might Not Feel Like Yourself

The amount of hormones, body changes, and upcoming life changes happening can be a lot for an expecting mama to handle. And the truth of the matter is, you just might feel a bit off at times. If you’re feeling moody or just not right some days, give yourself a bit of grace and know that you just might feel more like yourself tomorrow. 

While mood swings can be unpredictable for pregnant mamas, it’s important for partners not to take it personally. Do your best to be candid with your partner: ask them to give you some space if you need it. Or ask them to join you for a walk or a spontaneous date if you think it might lift your mood or be a welcome distraction. If you’re up front about how you’re feeling, it can help your partner to understand how to support you. 

You Might Feel Scared 

When you’re newly pregnant, you might feel uneasy, nervous or downright worried about a number of things: if your baby is healthy, if you’re making good decisions about your own health, if you’ll be a good mama, etc. And all of these fears and emotions are normal! 

Your partner can be your biggest cheerleader and source of encouragement when you’re experiencing these emotions. It’s helpful to share your worries with a partner who will listen to your fears (without dismissing them), and reassure you that you’re already a fantastic mama who is making wonderful choices for your baby. 

Studies have shown that having an involved partner can positively impact the overall health and well-being of your pregnancy (and therefore your soon-to-be-baby). In fact, having an emotionally involved partner is significantly correlated with decreased stress levels among mothers.

We know the first trimester of pregnancy can be a tough one (for both mamas and their partners). Our best advice overall? Talk to each other, ask for help when you need it, and remember that you’re a team: both in pregnancy and parenting!
