mom holding her stomach

When you’re pregnant with your second baby, you’re already in-the-know about what to expect from the childbirth process. And for many women, this means understanding what it's like to experience and recover from vaginal tearing, or perineal lacerations during delivery. Many second or third time mamas wonder, “since I had a vaginal tear during a previous delivery, will it happen again—or can it be prevented?” While the answer isn’t crystal clear, here’s what you should know about vaginal tears in subsequent birth experiences.

Mild Vaginal Tearing Doesn’t Increase Your Risk during Future Deliveries

Mamas who experienced a mild first or second degree tear in their previous birth typically heal well and aren’t at any higher risk of tearing during their future deliveries. It might be a relief that just because you experienced a mild vaginal tear once, doesn’t mean it’s a sure thing the next time around.

Severe Tears May Affect Your Birth Plan

Third- or fourth-degree tears, on the other hand, may increase your risk for a vaginal tear in future childbirths. Because of this, it’s extremely important to discuss your birth plans with your provider to ensure a safe delivery with as little complication as possible.

Sometimes the risk of another severe tear is low enough that a vaginal birth might be on the table again. However depending on the degree of your previous tear, your health history, and the measurements of your baby, your provider may discuss the option of a C-section to prevent another severe tear.

Every Childbirth Experience is Different

While we can discuss risk factors and your chances of another vaginal tear, it’s all very much a roll of the dice. Because every birth experience is so different, it’s impossible to predict if you’ll definitely tear again. Things like your baby’s position, how quickly labor progresses, and how big your baby is can all play a role in on whether you may experience a vaginal tear during any childbirth—whether it’s your first or your fourth.

Share Your Concerns about Vaginal Tearing with Your Provider

If you’re concerned that you may suffer a vaginal tear during your next childbirth, discuss the possibility with your provider. While avoiding a tear comes down to a mix of things—including a bit of luck—your care team might be able to use a warm compress, do perineal massage during labor, or help you push in a way that helps give the skin and tissue more time to stretch. We know experiencing a vaginal tear is one of the more frustrating parts of recovery from childbirth. We’re wishing you a healthy and uncomplicated delivery, mama!
