100 Ways to Take Care of You

  • author name Community Health Team
2 girls taking a walk

Often when setting goals to become healthier, you think about things like weight loss, healthy eating and exercise. But that isn't all there is to wellness. Consider these actions to nurture yourself and improve your happiness and overall well-being

Strive for Total Wellness

The path to total wellness should include taking care of all of your needs—emotional well-being as well as the physical. It’s about striving to find ways to be happier and to have gratitude for all things, no matter how small. It’s also about continuing to grow as a person and finding ways to feel fulfilled.

Create a Self-Care Calendar

Think about scheduling time to care for yourself. Below is a list of 100 ways to do just that. Add your own ideas, as well. Print out a blank calendar and write in just one self-care activity for each day. Make it personal and meaningful to you, and then take the time each day to do your activity.

  1. Read a book.
  2. Spend time with a pet.
  3. Call a friend.
  4. Take a hot bath.
  5. Get a massage.
  6. Start a gratitude journal.
  7. Meditate for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Go for an outdoor walk.
  9. Spend time playing with a child.
  10. Write someone a letter.
  11. Rekindle an old friendship.
  12. Relax with a cup of tea.
  13. Find a way to let go of the past.
  14. Research a new hair style.
  15. Buy yourself something nice.
  16. Paint your nails.
  17. Watch a funny movie.
  18. Laugh.
  19. Go to the library.
  20. Visit someone in a nursing home.
  21. Try a new fruit or vegetable.
  22. Plan a vacation.
  23. Write down 10 things that make you happy.
  24. Get up early and do yoga.
  25. Go to the Humane League to visit with the pets.
  26. Read a magazine.
  27. Do something crafty.
  28. Color.
  29. Take a nap.
  30. Go out for lunch with a friend.
  31. Call your mom.
  32. Surprise someone.
  33. Organize a small space.
  34. Donate items you no longer use.
  35. Write a letter to a soldier.
  36. Buy someone a gift for no reason.
  37. Try a new recipe.
  38. Paint.
  39. Let the dishes go and just relax.
  40. Plan a date night with your spouse.
  41. Challenge yourself with a new exercise.
  42. Learn a new skill.
  43. Teach someone a new skill.
  44. Go for a hike.
  45. Plant something.
  46. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers.
  47. Give someone a bouquet of flowers.
  48. Volunteer your time.
  49. Do something nice for someone without them knowing.
  50. Listen to music.
  51. Dance.
  52. Go out to a new restaurant.
  53. Invite friends over for dinner.
  54. Play a game.
  55. Do a puzzle.
  56. Stretch at your desk for 10 minutes.
  57. Unplug and have a technology-free day.
  58. Play with play-dough.
  59. Hug someone for a long time.
  60. Spend time alone.
  61. Read the comics section of the newspaper.
  62. Write down all the things you like about yourself.
  63. Look at old photos.
  64. Make a collage of things that inspire you.
  65. Research a topic or person that interests you.
  66. Go to a park and swing.
  67. Get up and watch the sunrise.
  68. Go out at night and stargaze.
  69. Get a facial.
  70. Learn how to say something in another language.
  71. Watch an inspirational movie.
  72. Read from a spiritual book of your choosing.
  73. Let someone else cook dinner.
  74. Go to market.
  75. Go get coffee and pay for the person behind you.
  76. Leave an extra big tip for your server.
  77. Buy a lottery ticket.
  78. Watch an old black and white movie.
  79. Talk with an elderly person about their childhood.
  80. Walk to the store.
  81. Buy really good chocolate and eat some of it.
  82. Share a dessert.
  83. Try a guided imagery exercise.
  84. Eat dinner by candlelight.
  85. Play Solitaire.
  86. Write down 3 goals and action steps to achieve them.
  87. Start a “bucket list.”
  88. Watch a documentary.
  89. Get a pedicure or manicure.
  90. Forgive someone.
  91. Thank someone for something.
  92. Light aromatherapy candles and relax.
  93. Pray.
  94. Have someone scratch your back.
  95. Spend time walking around a store.
  96. Sing loudly in the shower.
  97. Watch a comedy show.
  98. Hold hands with your spouse.
  99. Hire a cleaning person to clean your house just once.
  100.  Just do nothing.
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Community Health Team

The Lancaster General Community Health team consists of educators, dietitians, exercise physiologists, and public health experts focused on providing resources, education and programming to improve the health and well-being of the communities we serve.

Call: 717-544-3811

About LG Health Hub

The LG Health Hub features breaking medical news and straightforward advice to help individuals of all ages make healthy choices and reach their wellness goals. The blog puts articles by trusted Lancaster General Health clinical experts, good 'n healthy recipes, videos, patient stories, and health risk assessments at your fingertips.


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