Chris’ Story: Why Colonoscopies Matter

Chris in airport

At age 46, Chris didn’t think he had to worry about cancer. He was healthy; always went for regular check-ups, worked out and took care of himself. Then, some stomach problems prompted his doctor to refer him for a colonoscopy. The results: stage 3B colon cancer.

A Treatment Journey Begins

Chris’ job took him many places and at the time of his diagnosis, he was living in Kentucky. There, he had colon surgery and later chemotherapy. When Chris moved back to his hometown of Lancaster, PA, with his wife and two teenage boys, he built relationships with an LG Health Physicians primary care physician and specialists with Hematology & Medical Oncology.

“I’ve very been very pleased with all of my doctors” says Chris. “They have not missed a beat.”

After a follow-up PET scan showed his colon cancer had spread to his liver, Chris was referred to a nurse navigator who helped him find the appropriate specialists and support services, including a gastrointestinal surgical specialist with Penn Medicine.

Specialized Expertise With Penn Medicine

“The connection was very smooth and easy and I was very happy with my care at Penn,” recalls Chris. ”I had no problem traveling for my surgery, as everything was coordinated. I knew I was going to come back to Lancaster for my care afterwards. I trusted my doctor’s recommendation and he was right.”

Chris was one of the first patients to receive chemotherapy treatment at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute in the summer of 2013.

“My infusion therapy nurse was wonderful and the support services made things a little easier. I discovered massage therapy toward the end of my treatment and that was great.”

“My family, friends, and co-workers have been wonderful and so supportive. When something like this happens, you just have to keep positive, surround yourself with the best possible care and then pray for the best outcome. My doctors kept my expectations high and I wasn’t disappointed.”

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The LG Health Hub features breaking medical news and straightforward advice to help individuals of all ages make healthy choices and reach their wellness goals. The blog puts articles by trusted Lancaster General Health clinical experts, good 'n healthy recipes, videos, patient stories, and health risk assessments at your fingertips.


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