Peggy's Story: She Never Hit the Brakes in Her Lung Cancer Journey

Peggy Schooling

Peggy Schooling is the definition of healthy living. She has always eaten a mostly plant-based diet, never smoked, and is an exercise enthusiast. 

She is also a lung cancer survivor.

An Unusual Path to Lung Cancer Diagnosis 

Peggy SchoolingIn 2017, following a routine mammogram, Peggy was diagnosed with stage 0 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) breast cancer. Pre-surgical testing, that included a chest X-ray and breast MRI, revealed a mass on Peggy’s lung. A biopsy confirmed stage 1B lung cancer, which meant her tumor measured 3-4 centimeters. 

“I was completely shocked,” says Peggy, who was 62 years of age at the time. “I had no symptoms, I never smoked or spent time around smokers, and there is no history of lung cancer in my family.”

Although smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, about 10 to 15 percent of lung cancers occur in people who never smoked. Radon, secondhand smoke, and other environmental exposures are also risk factors. 

As is the case with many lung cancer diagnoses, a cause for Peggy’s cancer was never determined, although she feels environmental factors are likely.

Supported Through the Cancer Journey

Peggy forged ahead, her characteristic indomitable spirit firmly in place, as she faced two separate, unrelated cancers—breast and lung—at the same time. 

A breast cancer and lung cancer nurse navigator at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute were at her side, guiding Peggy through the complexities of her diagnoses.

Peggy was also grateful for the financial counseling, chaplaincy, and holistic services at the Cancer Institute Boutique.

“The Cancer Institute was amazing,” says Peggy. “All of the communication was very integrated which is just what patients need.”

Lung Cancer Surgery

Peggy’s lung cancer surgery was scheduled between two breast cancer surgeries. 

At Lancaster General Hospital, on September 6, 2017, surgeons removed the lower left lobe of Peggy’s lung, which contained a 3.1 cm. tumor.

Peggy was home within four days, beginning her recovery.

The Mailbox Goal

She immediately began yoga and all the post-operative exercises she was instructed to do to increase her lung capacity. 

An avid runner and bicyclist throughout much of her life, Peggy set her first distance goal, which she felt was a stretch: walking to the mailbox. Rather than stopping at the mailbox; however, Peggy went on to walk 1.5 miles. Within a week, she was up to 5 miles. 

At Peggy’s insistence, her husband drove her to the leadership class she was teaching at Immaculata University in Chester County. 

“I just wanted to show my students that no matter how hard things seem, they can do it,” says Peggy.

She continued her disciplined approach to recovery and within six weeks was biking 30 miles.

Life Beyond Cancer

Two years after her surgery, Peggy was feeling great, in remission from both breast and lung cancer, and delaying retirement to embark on a new professional opportunity. She was as active as ever, grateful to her supportive family, friends and the team at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute. 

She continues to get periodic scans and follows up with her care teams regularly.

“My lung capacity is now 98 percent. Doctors tell me they have to look hard to even see that a lobe is missing,” smiles Peggy, as she eagerly anticipates her next chapter.

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The LG Health Hub features breaking medical news and straightforward advice to help individuals of all ages make healthy choices and reach their wellness goals. The blog puts articles by trusted Lancaster General Health clinical experts, good 'n healthy recipes, videos, patient stories, and health risk assessments at your fingertips.


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