Jio’s Story: Recovering from a Heart Attack

Jio’s Story: Recovering from a Heart Attack During COVID-19

It was March 14, 2020. Just days before much of Lancaster County would start to shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For Jobany “Jio” Bedoya, it was a typical Saturday evening. The active 38-year-old Ephrata man was playing soccer at a local sports complex, looking forward to spending the rest of the weekend with his wife and three children. What followed in the hours and months ahead; however, was anything but typical.

Classic Heart Attack Symptoms Developed Quickly

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As the match was winding down, Jio started feeling uncharacteristically fatigued and was experiencing what he describes as mild indigestion or heartburn. 

“I just thought I had pushed myself too hard and sat on the bench for a few minutes until I regained enough energy to walk to the car and start my drive home.”

“About five to 10 minutes later, I started feeling a lot worse,” recalled Jio, who pulled over in a convenience store parking lot and called his wife. “She told me to stay put and called the ambulance.”

In the Emergency Department at Lancaster General Hospital, Jio went into cardiac arrest.

“I was literally dead for two minutes,” he said. “I wouldn’t be here today if this had happened somewhere else.”

Jio underwent a cardiac catheterization. A stent was inserted in an artery which had a 90% blockage. He was discharged the next day and began his recovery during very unique times.

Making Healthy Changes with Virtual Guidance

A heart attack was the last thing Jio ever expected to be facing. He was young and considered himself pretty healthy and in shape, although his blood pressure had been a little high and he had some family history of heart disease. 

Because of the restrictions in place in the early days of the pandemic, Jio’s first two follow-up appointments with The Heart Group of Lancaster General Health were telemedicine visits. He was grateful to be able to receive care without potentially exposing himself to the coronavirus.

Jio began making the healthy lifestyle changes that were recommended, particularly around diet, and encouraged his extended family members to do the same. 

“We all got serious about making changes,” Jio said. “Our Latino diet tends to include a lot of meat, starches and carbs, and not many greens.” 

Jio started eating better, cut back on sodium and sugar, and lost 20 pounds. He also began a gradual program of exercise—walking, hiking and biking. Three months after his heart attack, Jio was feeling great, enjoying a 13-mile ride on the rail trail near his home.

In-Person Care at The Heart Group

Jio continues regular appointments—now in person—at The Heart Group, a place where he knows he can receive expert care under even the most challenging of circumstances. If you need expert care for your heart make an appointment with a physician at the Heart Group today.

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The LG Health Hub features breaking medical news and straightforward advice to help individuals of all ages make healthy choices and reach their wellness goals. The blog puts articles by trusted Lancaster General Health clinical experts, good 'n healthy recipes, videos, patient stories, and health risk assessments at your fingertips.


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