7 Fireworks Safety Tips for the 4th of July


Every year in the weeks surrounding the 4th of July, urgent care and emergency departments across the country see a rash of unfortunate accidents due to the misuse of fireworks, sparklers and other pyrotechnics. Burns, amputations, eye injuries, and lacerations are the most common injuries.

A Look at the Stats

According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, accidents related to fireworks send approximately 180 people to emergency departments each day in the month around the July 4th holiday. Sparklers, which are commonly given to children, heat up to 1,200 degrees and account for one-third of the injuries to children under five.

SafeKids Worldwide recommends leaving the lighting fireworks to the professionals. Consider giving glow sticks instead of sparklers to children and involve them in other fun outdoor games and activities.

Tips for a Safe Independence Day Celebration

If you do choose to use fireworks at home, make sure your holiday celebrations are safe by following these tips from the National Council on Fireworks Safety:

  • Obey all fireworks laws.
  • Read the caution labels and performance descriptions before lighting any fireworks.
  • Never allow children to use any fireworks unattended.
  • Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks.
  • Never use fireworks without water or a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Don’t drink alcohol when using fireworks or sparklers.
  • Dispose of fireworks and sparklers by wetting them down and placing in a metal trash can away from buildings and combustible materials.
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Vito J. DiCamillo, MD

Vito J. DiCamillo, MD, is the Medical Director for LG Health Urgent Care and Clinical Director of Corporate Partnerships. Dr. DiCamillo’s specialties include emergency medicine and family medicine. He is a graduate of Temple University School of Medicine and the Lancaster General Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program.

Call: 717-544-0150

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