How to Avoid the Top Causes of Holiday Stress

Family Wrapping Presents

Remember the “reason for the season.” We say it every year. In fact, you hear it so often the phrase may start to sound cliché.

But whether it be the gratitude of Thanksgiving, the spirituality of Hanukkah, Kwanza and Christmas, or the renewal of a new year, focusing on the holidays’ true meaning is more important than ever as individuals and families face so many challenges. Whether it be finances, job pressures, child and elder care, or lingering health concerns about COVID, flu, RSV, and other respiratory viruses, everyone seems to feel increased pressures during the holiday season. 

It can be easy to let stress override all at a time when you want to focus on the people and traditions most important to you. We're taking a look at some major causes of holiday stress and ways you can push back, relax, and enjoy the season.

Finances...and gifts from the heart

Remember what truly matters. Instead of elaborate gifts, consider cookie exchanges, "Secret Santa," and other low-budget ideas that keep costs down and spirits up. Gifts from the heart always mean the most.

  • Make a personalized coupon book with offers to run errands, do household chores, cook a dinner, babysit, or take a friend on a hike at your favorite park or trail.
  • Whip up a seasonal sweet like cranberry loaf.
  • Draw on one of your talents. If you’re an amateur photographer, offer to take a family photo. If you’re a tech guru, help a non-tech-savvy family member set up their devices and gadgets.
  • Check out the many DIY opportunities on Pinterest and elsewhere. This DIY body scrub is a great pampering gift for family and friends…and don’t forget to save some for yourself!

Time...and making it work for you

Have realistic expectations. No holiday celebration is, or needs to be perfect. Slow down and take time for yourself. This will actually give you more energy to accomplish your goals.

  • Prioritize the many activities and obligations that are filling your calendar. Saying "no" can be a perfectly acceptable and good thing!
  • Plan in advance so you're not caught off guard and rushing (and stressing) at the last minute.

Travel...and visiting family and friends

Travel is always challenging during the hectic holiday season and after the past few years of pandemic restrictions, the highways and airways are busier than ever. If at all possible, plan your trip at times that will be less busy.

In addition to the stressful logistics of travel (even travel to the next town), there are the people considerations. Try to be realistic as you make plans to visit family and friends. You can’t please everyone. Do what is best for you and your family.

  • Keep things in perspective.
  • Approach visits with an open mind and avoid jumping to conclusions.
  • Use holidays as a chance to reconnect and share positive experiences, not to judge or raise sensitive topics.
  • Be respectful of differing viewpoints.

Weight management...and staying (or getting back) on track

Between festive gatherings and less time for exercise, it can be difficult to maintain healthy habits over the holidays. Use good judgment with food choices and portion sizes. But don’t stress if you have one day of over-indulgence. Just get back on track the next day! Here are few helpful tips:

  • Try not to let overeating become the norm over the holiday season.
  • Monitor your weight weekly. Avoid using food to manage holiday stress.
  • Find enjoyable alternatives: make a holiday craft, treat yourself to a massage, read by the fire, exercise.

When to seek help for holiday anxiety

For many people, the holidays can evoke feelings of mild sadness, loneliness, anxiety and a sense of loss. If you’re losing sleep, experiencing physical symptoms, or turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like increased alcohol use, it’s time to seek professional help. Many resources are available. Start with your primary care provider who can assess your overall health picture and make appropriate recommendations.

Finally: Keep things simple. When January rolls around, hopefully you will look back at the holidays with fond memories instead of relief.

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The LG Health Hub features breaking medical news and straightforward advice to help individuals of all ages make healthy choices and reach their wellness goals. The blog puts articles by trusted Lancaster General Health clinical experts, good 'n healthy recipes, videos, patient stories, and health risk assessments at your fingertips.


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