Each year, Safe Kids Lancaster County and Lancaster General Health hold Farm and Family Safety Days that are free and open to the public to help prevent and reduce the number of farm-related injuries.
This year’s events will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, at Hoffman House, 172 S. Lime St., Quarryville; and Saturday, June 20 at White Horse Fire Company, 111 White Horse Rd., Gap.
Families are encouraged to attend the Farm and Family Safety Day where community partners teach practical safety measures families can use on the farm and at home. Presentations are geared to all age levels. Attendees rotate through interactive educational stations to learn about safety topics involving: animals, fire, hay holes, confined spaces, equipment, poison and wheeled safety. The 911 contact center station includes a telephone simulator for children to practice making calls in case of an emergency. 
Weather permitting the Life Lion helicopter will be landing between 1 and 1:30 p.m. to give families an opportunity to talk to rescue professionals and see the inside of the helicopter.
In addition, Worker Protection Training, a course aimed at reducing the risk of pesticide poisonings and injury to those working on farms or in greenhouses other than their own, will be offered to children and adults seeking certification.
The free events include a morning snack, lunch, and safety related materials.  For more information or to register, call Sue Lackmann at (717) 544-3282,or 1-888-LGH-INFO (544-4636).
Safe Kids Lancaster County is dedicated to preventing accidental childhood injury and death for children under age 14 through education, collaboration and advocacy. The coalition is comprised of volunteers and representatives from community organizations.  Lancaster General Health is the lead agency for Safe Kids Lancaster County.
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