If you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you are more likely to eat them. To increase access and availability of fresh produce, Lighten Up Lancaster County with funding from the Lancaster Heart and Vascular Institute at Lancaster General Health, is pleased to offer a raised-bed starter kits for schools and non-profit organizations who are interested in expanding or starting a garden.

Starting Feb. 1, schools and non-profit organizations in Lancaster County can apply online to receive lumber, hardware and soil for two raised beds. In addition, a 100-foot hose, watering cans, buckets, shovels, trowels and gloves will be provided.

Recipients of the raised beds, who will be notified approximately two weeks after submitting an application, will be linked to an extensive network of garden experts and have access to garden resources.

Organizations that received the raised beds are encouraged to use the produce for taste-testing and meals at their organization, share the produce with the community, and donate extra produce to local organizations.

For more information, visit LightenUpLancaster.org.
For contact information and to apply, visit: https://www.lightenuplancaster.org/garden-starter-kit.

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