Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health conducts a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years to identify the health care and wellness needs of residents in Lancaster County. The CHNA identifies opportunities to better address community needs and guides our approach to improving health for all.

The assessment also provides a meaningful way to engage the community in our strategic community-benefit planning process. The goals of the assessment are to identify and prioritize the health-related needs of our community so that LG Health can continue to provide optimal care for our patients and community.

LG Health used the CHNA’s findings to develop a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) to address unmet needs by utilizing the strengths of LG Health and its community partners, while aligning with our mission to advance the health and well-being of the communities we serve.

Making the greatest difference for the people at greatest risk

While access to affordable, high-quality medical care is important to achieving and maintain good health, staying well is about much more. LG Health recognizes that health starts in our homes, schools, and neighborhoods. The nonmedical factors that affect health, which range from affordable housing to accessible transportation, are known as “social determinants of health.”

As part of our deeply rooted commitment to our community, we have a responsibility to help establish and maintain the basic conditions that give everyone the opportunity to achieve their best health.

This work is not new for LG Health.

LG Health already leads and supports many community programs that address needs throughout the region. Our commitment to improving community health was recognized with the Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service, as well as LG Health recently being named a Healthy People 2030 Champion.

Now, LG Health places an even greater emphasis on social determinants of health. Below we have outlined the areas the health system will focus on over the next three years to address the root causes of health concerns and to invest our resources in areas of the greatest potential impact.

Safe, Healthy Environment

  • Improve access to healthy food and health outcomes for individuals with food insecurity.
  • Reduce homes with lead hazards and reduce lead poisoning among children and pregnant people

Healthcare Access & Quality

  • Increase access to healthcare by assisting patients with social determinants of health.
  • Eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity.

Mental Health

  • Increase mental health screening and awareness.
  • Increase trauma-informed policies and practices throughout the community.
  • Reduce substance use and its harmful impacts in Lancaster County.
  • Increase access to high-quality behavioral health services.

Next steps

The LG Health CHIP will be implemented and updated regularly over the next three years, from FY2023 through the end of FY2025. LG Health team members from across the organization will:

  • Develop strategies and timelines to meet our objectives
  • Monitor and measure outcomes
  • Report on progress and results annually to the community

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