Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute

Two women smiling

Excellent. Compassionate. Highly-personalized. These are the words Ruth uses to describe the care she received at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute. A diagnosis of stage four lung cancer left Ruth and her family members fearful of the journey ahead, but this was alleviated when she met her care team.

“I felt like I was the only, most important patient. The fast response—the sense of urgency was remarkable. I felt such gratitude for the genuine interest taken in my care,” shares Ruth. Recognizing Ruth’s gratitude, and experiencing it herself, inspired Ruth’s daughter, Laura, to make a gift to LG Health in honor of her care. “This gift was about affirming the extraordinary,” describes Laura, “the level of dedication to her care was phenomenal.”

Ruth and Laura’s story is about feeling immense appreciation for the gift of restored health. These stories remind us how much it means to entrust our lives in the hands of dedicated healthcare professionals. The care Ruth received is synonymous with the care that LG Health professionals strive to deliver to each and every patient. Ruth and Laura are among many patients and families who experience gratitude and are inspired to give back in honor of the care they received from LG Health.

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