The LG Health Foundation is proud to honor its most generous friends who are leaders in philanthropic support to LG Health through membership in the Chairman’s Circle and the 1893 Society. These legacy societies were established in 2016.

1893 Society

In recognition of Lancaster General Hospital’s founding year, the 1893 Society honors individuals and couples who have committed to making a planned gift such as a bequest, life income gift, or other deferred giving option to ensure quality health care is accessible in this community for future generations.

Chairman's Circle

The Chairman’s Circle recognizes individuals and couples who have made gifts of $50,000 or greater during their lifetime. This may be cumulative giving, a one-time gift, or a pledge paid over a period of five years.

Giving society membership benefits include:

  • Invitations to exclusive donor appreciation events
  • Public recognition in donor listings
  • Membership lapel pin
  • Insider updates

If you have included LG Health in your will or estate plans, or would like more information on how to do so, please contact Crystal Mills at 717-544-5956 or

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