In the midst of rapid technological and scientific advances, nurses are challenged with providing customer-focused quality. We are committed to recognizing and supporting registered nurses in their efforts to increase skills and knowledge to meet this challenge.

The Clinical Ladder defines the professional expectations of the registered nurse at Lancaster General Health. In addition, it provides a pathway for the RN to develop and expand clinical expertise and advanced nursing practices while remaining at the bedside.

The Clinical Ladder portfolio submission occurs every two years and each nursing unit has a specific month assigned for their submissions. In conjunction with the yearly PMP a validation tool will be completed by nurse managers on the non-submission year.

  RN I Entry Level RN II Competent RN III Proficient RN IV Expert
Level Expectations

Reflects the experience of a recently licensed nurse

Reflects the minimum level of competency and experience required for employment

Reflects the clinical expertise and leadership abilities in area of practice

Reflects advanced clinical expertise and leadership across Lancaster General and the community


Must be met by 90-day review

Must be met by first annual review

  • Voluntary
  • Financial Incentive

  • Voluntary
  • Financial Incentive

Entry Requirements
  • One preceptor evaluation
  • Skills checklist
  • One preceptor evaluation
  • Skills checklist
  • Portfolio turned in to manager
  • Bonus Sheet to be included with portfolio
  • Exemplars

  • Portfolio turned in to manager
  • Bonus Sheet to be included with portfolio
  • Exemplars


May only be maintained for 90-day introductory period


Mandatory for continued employment of all Lancaster General Hospital RNs


Must meet RN III performance standards yearly to maintain level status at time of annual review. Portfolio is submitted every two years.


Must meet RN IV performance standards yearly to maintain level status at time of annual review. Portfolio status is submitted every two years.


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