How to Not Gain 1-2 Pounds This Holiday Season

Picture of two candy canes arranged to form a heart

The average person gains 1-2 pounds each holiday season. Between parties and the stress of preparations, it’s easy to neglect the lifestyle changes you may have talked about at your last doctor’s appointment.

Here are some tips to help you stay on track this holiday season:

  • Weigh yourself before the holidays and try to keep your weight steady throughout the season.
  • Stay active. It’s easy to forget your exercise routine when busy.
  • Eat a snack before parties to avoid overeating.
  • Don’t skip meals which can cause you to overeat at holiday gatherings.
  • Choose the small plate at parties when you go through the buffet line so you eat less.
  • Limit portion sizes. Stick to just one serving of your favorite foods with each meal.
  • Cook healthy. Check out
  • Drinks are empty calories. Water, diet drinks and skim milk should be your only liquid intake on a regular day.
  • Make a grocery list before you shop and stick to it.
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James M. Kelly, MD

James M. Kelly, MD is a family medicine physician at LG Health Physicians Family Medicine Lincoln. He is a graduate of Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University and completed his residency at Lancaster General Hospital. He specializes in diabetes care and is a member of the American Diabetes Association.

Call: 717-738-0660

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