Is Your Home Ready for Your Return from Joint Replacement Surgery?

  • author name Lisa Graham, RN, BS, BSN
Man recovering at home

You’ve endured hip or knee pain long enough. You’re ready for less pain and a more active lifestyle and have chosen to get joint replacement surgery.

But is your home as ready as you are for your return from surgery?

As soon as you decide to have surgery, you should begin to plan for discharge. Take a look around your home. Is there enough space for a walker? Do you have an area in your home to sit and elevate your feet after exercising? Preparing your home prior to surgery helps assure a better recovery.

Tips to Get Your Home Ready

  • Arrange furniture so there is enough space to walk with a walker

  • Remove all throw rugs and clutter from the floors

  • Place electrical cords and wires out of the walking areas

  • Clean your home prior to surgery (mopping, vacuuming, dusting)

  • Install or secure handrails on staircases

  • Install handrails in your shower and next to your toilet

  • Be sure your shower has skid proof mats

  • Install nightlights around your home for better lighting at night

  • Be sure to have a sturdy chair with a firm back and arm rests. A chair that sits higher will help you stand up easier; a study recliner is recommended so you can elevate your legs

  • Be sure to have a phone with you in case of an emergency

  • Place necessary items within reach of your chair recliner–phone, eyeglasses, water, medications, tissues, snacks, television remote

While these tips are especially beneficial following surgery, many are useful in general, for people trying to reduce the risk of falls (LINK TO 6 TIPS TO REDUCE YOUR RISK OF FALLS, May 2015) around the home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults age 65 and older falls every year, threatening their health and independence.

author name

Lisa Graham, RN, BS, BSN

Lisa A. Graham, RN, BS, BSN, is a Disease Management Coordinator at Lancaster General Health Orthopedic Center where her focus is joint health.

Education: Graham is a graduate of Old Dominion University and St. Joseph School of Nursing. She received her BSN at American Centennial University.

Call: 717-544-4636

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