February 17, 2023
February 18, 2021
If you're 45 or older, you probably know you should get a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is the most effective way to screen for colon cancer. It also allows your gastroenterologist the opportunity to detect, prevent, and potentially treat colon cancer all at the same time, removing any polyps (finger-like growths) at an early stage before they become cancerous.
Apprehension about Colonoscopy Prep
But if you’re like many people, you may be putting off this life-saving test because of the preparation needed beforehand. In fact, apprehension about the prep is the #1 reason people give for delaying a colonoscopy.
To complete a colonoscopy, your colon and rectum must be empty and clean – the cleaner the better, as this gives your doctor the best view. The actual test, performed while you're sedated, is painless; but admittedly, the preparation can be trying. You will be required to take laxatives and forgo solid food for a day or two before the exam. But by following a few easy tips, you can be as comfortable as possible in the days before your colonoscopy--and help make sure your screening is successful.
Make the Prep More Tolerable
Follow instructions
First and foremost, prior to your colonoscopy, you need to carefully follow your doctor’s dosing instructions. This can involve pills, fluids and enemas, or a combination of these. You also may be asked to stop taking some medicines several days before the test. Be sure to read through all of the directions before you begin, and if you don’t understand something, call and ask. Because a sedative is used during the test, you will most likely need to arrange for someone to take you home after the test.
Diet modifications
Start a pre-colonoscopy diet several days in advance. By avoiding high-fiber food, fatty foods, seeds and tough meats, the laxative part of the prep (the day before your test) is much easier. Some foods to avoid include:
- Foods with seeds, nuts and popcorn
- Whole grain bread and pasta
- Oatmeal, shredded wheat, granola
- Raw vegetables and fruit with skins
- Corn, broccoli, cabbage, dried beans, peas
Some amenities
Stock your bathroom with enjoyable reading material, and perhaps a candle in your favorite scent. You’ll be spending more time than usual in the bathroom, so why not make it a more relaxing environment. Consider using lubricated baby wipes rather than toilet tissue. The wipes are gentler and less irritating
Wardrobe choices
Wear comfortable clothing that will not interfere with getting to the bathroom in time if an urgent need strikes you. The prep solution may also cause temporary bloating, so a loose waistband is a good idea.
Get creative with the prep drink
There are lots of ways to make the laxative more appetizing.
- Chill it in the refrigerator. Mix with a favorite sports drink. Use a favorite glass.
- Try drinking your prep through a straw to bypass the taste buds in the front of your mouth.
- Drink the prep at a comfortable pace. It is more of a slow walk than a sprint and drinking it too fast may lead to bloating, nausea and for some, vomiting. If you do not keep down all of the prep, the results may not be satisfactory.
Congratulate yourself
And finally, pat yourself on the back for taking an extremely important step in your good health. Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. And it’s preventable. Don’t let fear of the preparation keep you from for this life-saving screening.