Learn what you can expect prior to your bariatric surgery procedure.

Bariatric Surgery Process Preparation Checklist

This checklist provides general information on what to expect as part of our program: 

  1. Complete our bariatric surgery seminar
  2. Provide a letter from your primary care physician recommending a consultation for weight-loss surgery. This is a standard requirement for most health insurance plans to approve coverage.
  3. Provide medical documentation of your weight history for the past five years. This could come from your primary care physician, a commercial diet program, or a personal trainer.
  4. Sign a medical disclosure release for all of your relevant past medical records.
  5. Complete our health analysis assessment.
  6. Provide a detailed diet attempt history with start and finish dates, as well as program locations. Commercial weight-loss program records are a plus if you are able to locate them.
  7. Demonstrate to our team an understanding of our Healthy Weight Management Program.
  8. Decide which surgical procedure is right for you. At one of your appointments, your bariatric surgeon will help you chose which weight-loss surgery is right for you.
  9. Undergo pre-op evaluations with our:
    • Bariatric dietitian
    • Exercise physiologist
    • Clinical psychologist
  10. Complete the procedures and consultations recommended at your surgical consultation.
  11. Talk to our bariatric insurance specialist. Our specialist will detail what is covered and what is out-of-pocket before your surgery is scheduled.
  12. Demonstrate ability follow a diet and exercise plan during the three or sixth month pre-surgery period required by most insurances.  
  13. Complete a pre-op physical examination with your bariatric surgeon.
  14. Schedule a date for your surgery.

After Surgery: Importance of Follow-Up

Surgery is really just the first phase of the journey towards a healthy weight. While surgery will provide a jump-start to weight loss, you will need to keep focused to maintain the weight loss for the long term. This includes eating the right foods, being active, and maintaining a relationship with your weight-loss program team. Patients who continue to follow up with their weight-loss program for five years have the best chance of maintaining the healthier weight they achieved. In addition to encouraging you to see our team on an annual basis, we offer monthly support groups to help you keep motivated and connect to others on the same journey as you. 

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