Heart Attack

The last thing Jason Ditzler ever expected was to have a heart attack. The healthy 37-year-old nurse, father and avid runner led a full, active life. It was on a typical Sunday afternoon run that Jason’s life changed forever.

“I just didn’t feel right,” he recalled, and texted his wife to let her know he was returning home. When he quickly started experiencing classic symptoms of a heart attack, Jason called 911.

Classic Heart Attack Symptoms Include:

  • Discomfort in the chest and other areas of the upper body
  • Shortness of breath
  • Breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, and lightheadedness

Know Your Body

"It's important to be aware of your body and know what to do if something happens,” recalled Jason, who credits the well-rounded care he received at The Heart Group of Lancaster General Health with where he is today—as active as before his heart attack and pursuing a new career.

Guided by The Heart Group team, Jason went to cardiac rehab, underwent genetic testing, and attended classes on diet and exercise.

One of the biggest changes I made was going from a higher stress career into farming,” he said. “On an everyday basis, I’m grateful for the health that I have and the ability to be here with my family.”

Watch the video for more on Jason's story.

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