Liver Failure

Tyler Sellers was just about 15 months old when his parents noticed that something wasn't quite right. His stools had turned white and there was yellowing in his eyes, prompting them to immediately take him to the pediatrician, where they started blood work.

“The doctors were telling us that it was probably a virus, and that in a couple of days he would get better; but things never got better,” said his father, Troy.

His mother, Donna, adds, “We were admitted to Lancaster General Hospital and started to see a specialist. The belief was that there were some viruses that his body couldn't fight off, and as a result, his liver failed.”

Coordinated Team of Experts

Tyler’s health deteriorated to a point where his doctors realized he could be needing a liver transplant. His team at LG Health wanted Tyler to be at a location where they did transplants, and arranged for the family to be transported to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. LG Health and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have a collaborative agreement, which provides families in Lancaster coordinated access to specialists from the pediatric hospital, both in Philadelphia and here in Lancaster.

“Our doctor already knew the liver doctors in Philadelphia. We knew their names when we arrived there. The transplant team drove to four different locations trying to get a match for Tyler, but since he was only 15 months old, even the lower left lobe would have been too big,” his mom explains.

Tyler’s mom gave him a portion of her liver that will grow with him as he continues to grow. Now a teenager, Tyler realizes the gift his mother gave him.

“When I found out my mom gave me a piece of her liver, I was pretty stunned. I didn't know that was really what occurred,” he said.

Leading an Active Life

Tyler is almost 15 years old now and loves to be outside. He enjoys hunting and playing the drums, and challenges his parents nightly to a competitive game of ping pong.

His parents are thankful for everyone who came together to support them as a couple and as a family. They are also grateful for the care that Tyler continues to receive through the affiliation between both hospitals.


boy playing outside with dog


“I admire the doctors at Lancaster General Health and the fact that they sent us right away to Children's Hospital. And now we can go to LG Health [to continue that care], because they're tied together,” said Troy.

Donna also appreciates the fact that all of Tyler’s records are shared by his doctors at both facilities. “It's more of a seamless transition,” she said.

“Tyler truly wouldn't be here today without the support and care that he received. Everyone has been there for us,” said Donna.

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