Premature Birth, Multiple Births

portrait of twin boys

Becky shares, in her own words, the story of her twins' journey from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to coming home healthy.

I had a pretty routine pregnancy until about 30 weeks, if you can call it routine when you’re expecting twins.

Then, at 33 weeks, I went into pre-term labor. At that point I recognized the seriousness of delivering early, especially with twins. But never in my mind did I doubt the care my babies would get.

I had total confidence in the team at Women and Babies Hospital, from the nurses who were with me, the fetal and maternal specialists who walked us through what was going to happen, my obstetricians, the NICU team who was there when the twins were delivered—everyone at Women & Babies was outstanding and so accommodating.

Brady and Cole Steal the Show

At birth, Brady was 3lbs 15oz and Cole was 4lbs 15oz. Cole was first out to face the world. They captured our hearts instantly. Cole was in the NICU for two weeks and Brady stayed a few days longer.

What really impressed me about the staff at Women & Babies is that they were very upfront with us in terms of what to expect and which milestones the boys needed to achieve prior to discharge. Every day we received a report as to how the twins were progressing, and the doctors and nurses always made time to talk to us or answer any questions that we had. It was all very comforting.

A Calming Influence

From what I understand, the babies were positioned like a “T” prior to delivery. In fact, Brady was delivered breech (bottom first). This is evidently common with twins who are born premature.

After it was all said and done, several people that I spoke with in the medical field said that I was in the best of care because my doctor was well known for these kinds of deliveries. He also had such a calm demeanor. My husband appreciated that, because it’s nerve-racking for a new dad-to-be in a situation like that.

The NICU Experience

My husband and I teamed up looking after the boys while they were in the NICU. My husband is a school teacher and he was off during and just after the delivery, so we would go to the NICU together and spend the better part of the day there, each looking after one of the boys.

Although it was busy in the NICU, the staff was always there for my guys, giving them lots of attention. I also had the opportunity to talk to other parents with multiple births, so we all kind of had similar experiences. It was just a real kind, caring, compassionate environment.

Coming Home

The twins came home healthy, which we were very grateful for. They were discharged at what would have been 35 weeks, so they were still teeny, tiny babies. Of course, they lost some weight, but you’d never know it looking at them now; thriving, smart, little five-year-olds.

Parenting Multiples

Once you have twins, you kind of become an expert on the subject in the eyes of others. I have relayed my experiences at Women & Babies to countless people.

I was speaking with a couple I knew who mentioned that their daughter was also expecting twins and she was at Women & Babies, and I said, “hands down, your daughter is going to be in such good care because we had such a positive experience.”

I also have a third child, a daughter, so I have the perspective of comparing the birth of two babies to delivering one, and I must admit having twins is unique! Looking back, you realize how blessed we were with the whole experience.

Recently, my daughter, who is 19 months now, decided to try out the potty. Her older brother, Cole, said, “Mommy, I remember you told me that I went to the potty first, and I did that because I’m the older one.” (Cole is 20 minutes older than Brady.) I guess that’s what twins do—the one-upmanship, being the first.

Having twins is a cool phenomenon. People talk about it, but experiencing it has been incredible. Lots of laughs, lots to look forward to.

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