Our Sleep Medicine Center performs sleep studies and provides options for at-home sleep studies in order to help diagnose sleep-related conditions.

Sleep Studies


Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, you spend the night in a comfortable, state-of-the-art sleep study room with a private bath and its own temperature control. Both facilities include accommodations for individuals with physical disabilities. A nurse or technician will affix electrode patches that allow us to record the following diagnostic information while you sleep:

  • Brain wave activity
  • Eye and chin muscle movements
  • Breathing and heart rhythm
  • Leg muscle activity

A small temperature gauge near your face measures airflow and snoring. An adhesive patch on your finger measures oxygen levels in your blood.


If you need to conduct your sleep study at home, our staff can provide information on a portable sleep study option.

Preparing For Your Sleep Study

If possible, do not nap in the afternoon before your study, and avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Remove any nail polish, and avoid lotions or powders. Wires will be glue directly to your scalp. If you have special dietary restrictions, tell your technician. Please bring:

  • Any medications you normally take
  • Your own nightclothes, robe and toiletries
  • Your favorite pillow, if you desire

Getting Your Results

A board-certified sleep medicine physician reads and interprets all sleep study results. Your physician reviews your results and discusses further treatment recommendations.


If you have questions about your scheduled study or would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

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