Our Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health Research Institute team has been helping researchers conduct clinical research for more than a decade. Our team uses their expertise to support investigators in advancing medical care and improving health in Lancaster County and beyond. They also track all research activities to ensure the safety, privacy, and well-being of research participants.
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Regulatory staff help investigators secure IRB approval and remain compliant throughout the study life cycle.
Project managers oversee research projects. Our project managers specialize in specific research areas. Contact them with questions about projects in their specialty area.
Clinical research coordinators (CRCs) assist PIs in coordinating, managing, and implementing all activities involved in a research project. In addition to these roles, CRCs are the main link between the sponsor or clinical research organizations (CROs) and the PI. They also keep study participants aware of schedules and changes in the study protocol (plan).
Clinical Research Coordinator, RN
For general questions about research at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, email LGHResearch@pennmedicine.upenn.edu or call 717-544-1777.
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