Lancaster Rehabilitation Hospital

Surviving a stroke can be a devastating experience. The uncertainty of what the future holds and the changes in one’s abilities and life roles can be overwhelming and confusing. Many individuals are left to deal with the inability to walk, remember day-to-day information, communicate, or even eat independently. Rehabilitation following medical recovery from a stroke allows an individual to focus on participating in specialized treatment and therapy that addresses the residual impairments from a stroke.

Our stroke rehabilitation program offers a tailored program to meet your individual needs. Certified in Stroke Rehabilitation through the Joint Commission, our rehabilitation nurses, therapists and physicians are trained in treatment and recovery of stroke survivors and in the prevention of stroke-related complications. We focus on maximizing each patient’s abilities and helping them return to their home environment and community.

Goals of the Stroke Rehabilitation Program

  • Maintain health and prevent secondary medical complications
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Improve strength and movement of the affected arm and/or leg
  • Develop compensatory strategies for self–care activities and activities of daily living
  • Evaluate and treat swallowing/eating difficulties
  • Evaluate and treat vision changes in acuity and perception
  • Establish an effective bowel and bladder management regimen
  • Develop effective strategies for functional memory and day-to-day orientation/problem solving
  • Establish effective communication method for expressing needs and understanding others
  • Provide patient and family education and training
  • Provide counseling and support for adjustment to disability and assist in the development of coping strategies
  • Identify and provide training for adaptive equipment to maximize independence in the home environment and community setting
  • Develop an integrated discharge plan with the patient and caregivers and arrange for community resource support

Rehabilitation Treatment Model

  • Clinical Guidelines: The team follows stroke-specific clinical rehabilitation evaluation and treatment guidelines.
  • Clinical Protocols: Treatment protocols utilized in care delivery are continuously updated based on best clinical practices.

Special Program Services

  • Case management to coordinate treatment and discharge planning
  • Bowel and bladder retraining and management program
  • Cognitive retraining program to address memory, orientation and problem-solving issues
  • Communication retraining program
  • Peer counseling program
  • Neuropsychological evaluation and counseling
  • Patient and family support group
  • Patient and family training and education program
  • Independent living program
  • Self-medication management program
  • Home accessibility evaluation and modification recommendations
  • Wheelchair seating and positioning clinic
  • Community reintegration program
  • Patient/family adjustment counseling and support groups
  • VitalStim Therapy for Dysphagia and Swallowing

Lancaster Rehabilitation Hospital hosts a Stroke Support Group the first Thursday of every month at 6 pm. Call 717-544-5686 for further information.

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