Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health has been measuring the satisfaction of our patients for many years to ensure that we provide the best care for our patients and continue to improve every day. Sharing our patient satisfaction scores with the public is part of our quality mission and we are committed to providing the information you need to make important decisions about your health care.

The Survey

Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health uses a survey tool, Penn Medicine Feedback, for our medical practice visits to measure our patients' satisfaction. We continue to use a third party vendor, Press Ganey, to meet Magnet requirements for select practices and for regulatory surveys required by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).

After an outpatient visit, a patient may receive a short five question text survey about the most recent visit with the provider. The survey contains questions about the specific visit including questions about the provider who took care of you. A provider is a physician or an advanced practice provider such as nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) who took care of you on this visit. All information is kept confidential.

Ratings and Reviews

The ratings and reviews on the provider profiles are from these patient surveys.

The ratings and reviews are specifically about the providers. The ratings are based on the responses to the questions that have a rating scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best. We specifically share this question on the provider profile.

  • Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others.

Are all comments posted?

All ratings and comments are updated monthly. Older comments do not display after a year online. We post all comments, both positive and negative, with the exception of those containing offensive or malicious language; any information (names, details of a clinical concern, etc.) that jeopardize patient confidentiality or privacy, comments that question clinical competency and comments unrelated to the provider.

Why don't we see patient ratings for every physician?

Star ratings are only displayed for providers for either the past 12 months or the 30 most recent surveys. This ensures that the data we provide are statistically valid.

In addition, non-employed providers are not surveyed by Penn Medicine.

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