At the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute our coordinated approach to treating colorectal cancer includes collaborative, evidence-based care, state-of-the-art technology, support services, and access to advanced therapies.

Our multidisciplinary care team includes gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, dietitians, nurse navigators, ostomy nurses, and geneticists. Support from social workers, financial counselors and others is also available as needed.

Our team participates regularly in specialized “tumor boards” — meetings to evaluate cases and discuss the best course of treatment. We also consult with our colleagues at the Abramson Cancer Center, giving our patients with advanced gastrointestinal (GI) cancers expanded, coordinated access to novel therapies and clinical trials.

Comprehensive Treatment Options

Treatment for colorectal cancer usually includes surgery to remove polyps or tissue affected by cancer. It may also include chemotherapy or other medication, and/or radiation. We offer a full range of options, including:

As part of Penn Medicine, our patients with liver metastases (cancer that has spread) from colon and rectal cancer can be quickly evaluated for new curative approaches at Penn involving upfront intensive chemotherapy followed by removal of the primary tumor and liver metastases.

Surgical Expertise

Our physicians use the latest evidence-based guidelines and advanced surgical techniques to treat all types of colorectal cancer. When possible, advanced minimally invasive approaches, including laparoscopic, robotic, and natural orifice surgical techniques, can result in shorter recovery times, less need for pain medication and smaller surgical scars

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis, one of the best imaging techniques available for local staging of rectal cancer, provides critical information to help predict the feasibility of total mesorectal excision (TME) — a common procedure used in the treatment of colorectal cancer in which a significant length of the bowel around the tumor is removed.


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