Surgery is often the first step in head and neck cancer treatment. TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS) is an innovative head and neck cancer surgery technique that can result in better outcomes for many patients. 

What Is TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS)?

TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS) enables our head and neck cancer surgeons to perform more precise and effective surgeries. By using robotic techniques, we’re able to remove tumors from areas of the mouth and throat that are hard to access with traditional surgery.

We use TORS to reach small spaces—such as the back of the tongue, tonsils and throat—where typical surgical tools can’t easily fit. Instead of having to make a large incision to reach these areas, TORS uses thin, robotic arms equipped with surgical instruments. The surgeon uses high-resolution 3D cameras to guide the arms, giving them smoother access and more precise results.

What Are the Benefits of TORS?

One of the biggest challenges in treating head and neck cancers is successfully removing tumors while preserving patients’ function. In many cases, head and neck cancer treatment can result in lasting difficulty swallowing, eating or speaking.

Because TORS allows us to remove tumors with less damage to surrounding areas, most patients heal faster and regain full function. Other benefits include:

  • Better cancer outcomes
  • Faster, easier recovery
  • Fewer complications
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Shorter hospitalization

Consultations with Dr. Gregory Weinstein

Gregory S. Weinstein, MD, FACS, director of the Head and Neck Cancer service line for Penn Medicine, will offer new patient consultations for the full spectrum of head and neck cancers two Fridays a month at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute. Dr. Weinstein has decades of experience in triaging patients to appropriate surgical and non-surgical care for head and neck cancer of all types.

He was the first surgeon in the U.S. to perform supracricoid partial laryngectomy which allows selected patients to avoid removal of their voice box when facing voice box cancer. This procedure is now the standard of care worldwide for managing voice box cancer.

Dr. Weinstein is also the co-inventor and developer of transoral robotic surgery which uses minimally invasive robotics technique to treat selected cancers of the head and neck. These procedures have also become the standard of care.

Request an Appointment

To make an appointment at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute, call 717-544-9400 or request an appointment using our online form.

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