
man on bicycle wearing a helmet

Imagine you’re at the hospital being treated for a heart issue. You call home to tell your husband you are OK, only to discover he appears to be having a stroke.

That’s exactly what happened to Linda and Steven of Lancaster.

A Lifesaving Phone Call

Linda was being treated for AFib, a quivering or irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. While updating her husband on the phone, he started having trouble speaking. She knew that something wasn’t right. Linda told her nurse, who listened to Steven on the phone and then immediately called for an ambulance.

Linda’s spontaneous decision to call home, and the swift action of the nurse who called 911, most likely saved Steven’s life.

A Stroke Diagnosis and FAST Treatment

Emergency responders rushed Steven to Lancaster General Hospital where his wife was a patient. A CT scan revealed a clot in Steven’s brain. As a result, he could not speak or comprehend the questions staff asked him.

Advanced Stroke Care with Mechanical Thrombectomy

Lancaster General Health expanded its stroke care at Lancaster General Hospital in late 2018 to include this advanced stroke treatment called mechanical thrombectomy. Lancaster General Hospital is the first and only hospital in Lancaster County to offer this life-saving stroke treatment.

Mechanical thrombectomy involves using small catheter to go from the groin up to the brain. Then a retrieving device is threaded through the catheter and grabs the clot, allowing blood to flow.

Know the Signs of Stroke

For Steven, the procedure was a success. By the time Steven was back in his own room, he was speaking perfectly and comprehending questions he was being asked.

Steven, an avid cyclist, says that it “feels great to be outside and on his bike again.” He credits his recovery, in part, to the fast thinking of his wife.

“The whole story is miraculous really,” said Steven. “Everything just fell into place perfectly.”

Take the time to learn the signs of stroke. If you or someone you are with experience any signs of stroke, stop what you are doing and call 911 immediately.

Click here to watch TV news coverage of Steven and Linda’s story

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