Trustees on the Lancaster General Health Board serve on the committees below, which are established to review and consider specific subjects affecting Lancaster General Health.

Quality Committee

Assists the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its responsibility for oversight of the quality and safety outcomes throughout the LG Health system. Committee members review quality-performance issues, establishes priorities for quality improvement, monitors indicators, and publicly reports on the overall quality of LG Health’s clinical performance.

Governance Committee

Assists the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to proper and effective governance of the LG Health System. Committee members are responsible for review of Board composition, suggesting new members for the Boards and Committees of the Boards, consideration of continued education and development opportunities, and evaluation of Board effectiveness.

Mission & Community Benefit Committee

Assists the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversight responsibility related to LG Health’s Mission and community-benefit efforts. Such efforts include promoting efforts that increase the availability of and access to health and wellness services provided by LG Health and our community partners for all in our community, irrespective of one’s ability to pay.

Finance/Capital Allocations Committee

Helps the Board of Trustees fulfill its responsibility for oversight of the fiscal operations and financial structure of LG Health and its affiliates. The Committee recommends budgets to the Trustees for approval and periodically reviews financial statements that compare actual results to budget and/or the prior year. Also, it reviews and approves investment policies, investment manager performance, asset allocation structure and recommendations from LG Health management for modifications as necessary.

Audit & Compliance Committee

Helps the Board of Trustees fulfill its oversight responsibility relating to LG Health’s financial statements, its financial reporting process, its system of internal accounting and financial controls, and its internal audit function. Also, the committee leads an annual independent audit of LG Health’s financial statements, and the legal compliance and ethics programs established by health system management and Trustees.

Executive Committee

Holds and may exercise, except as limited by law or resolution of the Board of Trustees, the authority of the Board in urgent circumstances where time is of the essence, or in non-urgent circumstances when Board action is necessary but circumstances neither permit waiting until the next scheduled Board meeting.

Credentials Committee

Reviews and approves Lancaster General Hospital Medical & Dental Staff credentialing in between meetings of the hospital’s Board of Trustees.

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