Our compassionate and experienced oncology support team includes physicians, nurses, physician assistants, oncology social workers, therapists, licensed clinical counselors, registered dietitians, financial advisors and chaplains who provide care, guidance, education, emotional support and tools to help patients and families address the physical, psychosocial and financial challenges that often accompany a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Supportive services include nurse navigation, palliative care, Oncology Supportive Care, our Cancer Institute Boutique, and survivorship.

Nurse and Patient Navigators

Our nurse and patient navigators offer education and support to help you process complex information, manage expectations, and make informed treatment decisions. They also serve as liaisons, connecting the patient with other members of the care team for timely and appropriate assistance, ranging from symptom management to financial guidance. Nurse navigators accompany patients to appointments when possible, and are available to answer questions throughout the course of treatment and beyond. 

Palliative Care

Palliative care is a team-based program to assist patients and families. The team works alongside our surgeons and oncologists to help relieve symptoms, treatment side effects, and stressors related to cancer. The palliative care team gets to know each patient to better understand their needs, and works with the treatment team to honor their personal goals, such as attending a special event or managing symptoms so they are able to work. Contrary to misconceptions about palliative care, this service is offered to all patients with cancer, not just those who are facing a more aggressive or advanced disease.