
AstonAston Dommel was a healthy 19-year-old who ate well and worked out two hours a day. When he began to feel run down, was urinating frequently, and experiencing some cramping, he attributed it to switching shifts at work. But when Aston passed out while getting out of bed one morning, he knew it was time to see his doctor.

At his appointment, he realized he had also lost 30 pounds. His doctor immediately admitted him to the hospital. His blood sugar levels were off the charts and his ketones were elevated. It was determined Aston had diabetes.

His doctor referred him to the Diabetes & Nutrition Center where he met with a certified diabetes educator. She taught him how to check his blood sugar levels, take insulin, and be more aware of his carbohydrate intake. When it was time to return to school at the University of Delaware, Aston felt confident in his ability to manage his diabetes.

Today, Aston considers diabetes to be just another part of his life, and doesn’t let the disease hold him back from anything he wants to do.

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