Our Approach to Fertility Health

Our experienced team will work relentlessly to help you meet your needs—all in an environment of compassionate intervention, sophisticated technology, and goal-oriented reproductive care.

couple embracing

You're ready to start a family - so why isn't your body cooperating? At Penn Fertility Care - Lancaster General Health, we know how frustrating it can be to wonder why you aren't getting pregnant. We're here to provide the answers, expertise and support you need to achieve success.

Why Can't I Get Pregnant?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question isn't always straightforward. There are many causes of infertility, and infertility affects men and women equally: About one-third of infertility results from women's challenges; another third from men's. The remaining cases are due to a combination of factors or unexplained reasons.

Causes of infertility that can affect both men and women include:

  • Cancer treatment
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Obesity
  • Older age
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Smoking

What Causes Infertility in Women?

Age tends to be one of the most common reasons women struggle to get pregnant. Fertility begins to decline around age 30. Your total number of eggs decreases rapidly by age 35. Your risk of disorders that can affect fertility also increases as you age.

Infertility can also happen if you've been pregnant before. Secondary infertility means you can't conceive even if you've given birth before. Recurrent pregnancy loss means you can get pregnant, but have trouble staying pregnant.

Other causes of infertility in women include:

  • Endometriosis, when endometrial tissue grows on other pelvic organs, including the ovaries
  • Menstrual conditions such as infrequent or absent periods, or heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease, infection in your reproductive organs
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal disorder that affects how your ovaries work
  • Scarring due to past abdominal surgeries or previous infections
  • Uterine fibroids, noncancerous growths on your uterus

What Causes Infertility in Men?

The most common causes of infertility in men involve problems with the testicles (the organs that make sperm) or blockages in the reproductive ducts (pathways that carry sperm). These and other conditions that may cause male infertility include:

  • Abnormal sperm shape or function that prevents sperm from swimming to and fertilizing an egg
  • Azoospermia, when there is no sperm in the semen
  • Erectile dysfunction, and inability to get or keep an erection during sex
  • Low sperm count, when there are very few sperm your semen
  • Medications, such as testosterone and anabolic steroids, which can decrease sperm production
  • Retrograde ejaculation, which causes sperm to go backward into your bladder during ejaculation
  • Varicocele, enlarged veins within the scrotum that can decrease sperm production

Our Treatments for Infertility

Sometimes improving your ability to get pregnant is as simple as making lifestyle modifications or improving your health. In other cases, you need more targeted fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization or reproductive surgery. No matter the cause of infertility, we can help. At Penn Fertility Care - Lancaster General Health, we offer comprehensive, in-house infertility testing to get to the bottom of your pregnancy challenges and build a care plan that will work for you.

You'll receive guidance and personalized attention from experienced fertility specialists, so can embark on your path to parenthood with confidence.

Make an Appointment

Call 717-544-0107 or request an appointment to schedule your fertility consultation.

In This Section...

Endometriosis and Infertility

Get the facts about endometriosis and infertility. Our specialists explain how the condition can affect your ability to get pregnant, and how we can help.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Find out how polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can lead to infertility. We offer a range of treatments for women with PCOS, including IVF, medication and surgery.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

If you’re dealing with recurrent pregnancy loss, we can help. An expert fertility team offers comprehensive testing, diagnosis and treatment.

Secondary Infertility

Secondary infertility is more common than you think. Learn more about why you may be having trouble getting pregnant a second time and how we can help.

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