For some women, the biggest challenge to building a family isn't getting pregnant - it's staying pregnant. If recurrent pregnancy loss is keeping you from achieving your reproductive goals, we can help. The fertility specialists at Penn Fertility Care - Lancaster General Health offer the guidance and treatments you need for a healthy, full-term pregnancy.

What Are Recurrent Miscarriages?

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) occurs when a woman has two or more miscarriages that occur before the 20th week of pregnancy reaches 20 weeks. A single miscarriage occurs in about 10% of pregnancies; RPL occurs in about 2% of pregnancies.

What Causes Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?

In about half of cases, miscarriage is the result of abnormal chromosomes in the embryo or fetus. Chromosomes may be missing, duplicated or in the wrong location. The risk of chromosomal abnormalities increases as a woman gets older. But since the majority of these chromosomal anomalies occur randomly during fertilization (meaning they usually aren't inherited), you can't control or prevent them. In rare cases, we recommend genetic testing to find out if you have an inherited disorder.

There are other medical conditions that can increase your risk of recurrent miscarriages, including:

But in about 50% to 75% of cases of recurrent pregnancy loss, the cause isn't known.

How Do We Evaluate Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?

Our fertility specialists do a comprehensive assessment to find out what could be causing repeated miscarriages. We review your reproductive history to learn about any past pregnancies or births you've had. We also assess your personal and family medical history to find out if miscarriages run in your family, or if there are any health conditions or lifestyle factors that increase your risk of miscarriages.

During the diagnostic process, you can also expect:

  • Physical exam: We check your weight, blood pressure and assess your overall health. Your provider may ask you about your eating and exercise habits, stress levels and mental health. It's also important to tell us if you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs.
  • Blood tests: We use blood tests to check your hormone levels, thyroid function and blood glucose. We also test for sexually transmitted infections or autoimmune disorders.
  • Imaging exams: We may do a pelvic ultrasound, transvaginal ultrasound or a saline sonohysterogram to evaluate your uterus and its lining. These exams show us if your uterus is an abnormal size or shape, or if it contains growths such as fibroids.

Can I Have a Successful Pregnancy After Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?

The good news is that the majority of women who have had multiple miscarriages - about 65% - go on to have a successful pregnancy. At Penn Fertility Care, our unique blend of expertise, personalized care and advanced fertility treatments can increase these odds.

When Should You See a Fertility Specialist for RPL?

Recurrent pregnancy loss is still considered a form of infertility since you have been unable to achieve a live birth, even though you've gotten pregnant. Many of the same treatments we recommend for other causes of infertility can also help women with RPL. If you've had two or more consecutive miscarriages, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our fertility care team.

Our Treatments for Recurrent Miscarriages

We start by addressing any underlying causes of miscarriages, such as treating thyroid or autoimmune disorders or getting diabetes under control. We also offer a variety of advanced treatments that can increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy, including:

  • Hormone management: We may recommend progesterone supplementation to reduce the risk of a miscarriage, especially if you've had bleeding early in previous pregnancies. Progesterone helps prepare your uterus for pregnancy and may reduce bleeding.
  • In vitro fertilization: In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilizing an egg with sperm in a lab. We develop the embryo until it's ready to transfer to your uterus.
  • Preimplantation genetic testing: We test embryos for genetic or chromosomal conditions before transferring or freezing them. Preimplantation genetic testing allows us to select the healthiest embryo, which increases your chances of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Reproductive surgery: If we discover that miscarriages are related to a uterine condition such as fibroids, surgery may be a treatment option. Your fertility doctor can tell you more about the risks and benefits of different surgeries.

Make an Appointment

Call 717-544-0107 or request an appointment to schedule your fertility consultation.

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