Many people think of infertility as a woman's issue. But infertility affects men and women equally. If you and your partner are struggling to get pregnant, we recommend infertility testing for men as well as women. At Penn Fertility Care - Lancaster General Health, we provide comprehensive testing in a private, comfortable environment.

Male Infertility Testing: Why Choose Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health?

Our state-of-the-art fertility center in Lancaster County offers:

  • Convenient in-house diagnostic tests: We offer hormone blood tests, semen analysis and other infertility tests for men right in our clinic. You receive your results - and the answers you need - quickly.
  • Multispecialty care: If you have abnormal test results, we refer you to the right specialists. Your fertility doctor works with radiologists, urologists and other experts to ensure you receive complete care.
  • State-of-the-art fertility lab: Our on-site fertility lab is staffed by scientists with extensive experience evaluating sperm samples. Their expertise leads to more accurate results and diagnoses.

What Is a Semen Analysis?

A semen analysis is the most common test for male infertility. The test examines the quantity and quality of sperm in a sample of your semen. Abnormal sperm production or function are common causes of infertility.

What to Expect During Your Semen Analysis

During your semen analysis, you should:

  • Avoid sexual activity that results in ejaculation for 2 to 7 days before you produce your sperm sample. This ensures your sperm count will be at its highest level when you give your sample.
  • Produce your semen sample at our fertility clinic or at home. If you produce your sample at home, we must receive it no more than one hour after it is produced. Keep the specimen at body temperature until it arrives at our clinic.
  • Produce the specimen by masturbation directly into the labeled sterile container. Because the initial part of the ejaculate contains most of the sperm, make sure it goes into the container. Do not use lotions, lubricants or saliva, which can harm the sperm.

What Do the Results of a Semen Analysis Mean?

Although a semen analysis is often called a "sperm count test," our fertility specialists evaluate many other aspects of your semen and sperm sample. Any of the following abnormal results may indicate a fertility problem:

  • Abnormal semen pH (acidity) may damage sperm
  • Abnormal sperm shape (morphology) can prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg
  • Low sperm count (oligospermia) means there are fewer sperm available to fertilize the egg
  • Poor sperm movement (motility) can make it difficult for sperm to travel to the egg
  • White blood cells in sperm (leukocytospermia) may damage sperm, or could indicate an infection

Other Tests for Male Infertility

After a standard sperm fertility test, our fertility specialists may recommend:

  • Genetic testing to find out if you have a genetic or chromosomal abnormality that could be affecting your fertility
  • Hormone testing to measure levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
  • Imaging exams, such as a scrotal ultrasound, to identify varicocele, undescended testicles or other problems
  • Semen or urine cultures to look for bacteria in the semen or urinary tract
  • Referral to a urologist for additional testing and evaluation

Make an Appointment

Call 717-544-0107 or request an appointment to schedule your fertility consultation.

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