Your Family, Your Way

Whether you are single or part of a couple, we offer the services you need to build a family on your terms.

Dad and daughter laughing while reading a children's book

Third-party reproduction means you use donated embryos, eggs or sperm to have a child through intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). It can also include using a surrogate or gestational carrier, which means someone other than you or your partner carries a pregnancy and gives birth.

There are a range of fertility challenges that make third-party reproduction a great choice for many people. No matter your situation, the fertility specialists at Penn Fertility Care - Lancaster General Health can help you make a plan for parenthood. We combine years of expertise and advanced treatments to deliver excellent outcomes - in little packages.

Donor Eggs

Using donor eggs for IVF is an excellent choice for couples struggling with female infertility, or same-sex male couples or single men using a gestational carrier. You may choose to use eggs from an anonymous donor, or someone close to you. We securely store frozen donor eggs in our state-of-the-art embryology lab so they're ready when you are.

Donor Sperm

Donor sperm can help couples dealing with male factor infertility achieve a pregnancy. Donor sperm is also ideal for same-sex female couples and single women who are ready to start a family. We can store frozen sperm indefinitely, so you can use sperm from the same donor in multiple intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF treatments.

Donor Embryos

If you've been unable to get pregnant, either on your own or with fertility treatments, a donor embryo might be appropriate for you. Donor embryos can also help women who have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss. While we do not offer donated embryos at our clinic, your fertility specialist can discuss this option with you.

Gestational Carriers

A gestational carrier is someone who agrees to carry a pregnancy and deliver a baby for another individual or couple. In most cases, the carrier doesn't have a genetic link to the baby since the intended parents provide the egg and sperm for the embryo. Same-sex male couples using donor eggs, or couples with severe fertility challenges, may choose to use a gestational carrier.

Donor Embryos, Eggs and Sperm: Why Choose Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health?

At our fertility clinic, you'll find:

  • Specialty expertise: Our care team includes a fellowship-trained, double board-certified reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist. This depth of expertise means we can address even the most complex fertility challenges in women and men.
  • On-site embryology lab: We are the only fertility clinic in Lancaster County with our own on-site embryology lab. We safely store your donor embryos, eggs and sperm just steps from our clinic. Our lab has the latest technology, 24/7 security and is staffed by experienced embryologists.
  • Personalized approach: There's no one right way to build a family. Whether you're dealing with a health condition that affects fertility, you haven't found the right partner or you're a same-sex couple, we draw on a wide range of services to build the plan that works for you and your reproductive goals.

Make an Appointment

Call 717-544-0107 or request an appointment to schedule your fertility consultation.

In This Section...

Donor eggs

Donor eggs can help women with diminished ovarian reserves or other fertility challenges achieve a pregnancy. Find out if donor eggs are right for you.

Donor Sperm

Donor sperm can help couples faced with male factor infertility, single women and same-sex female couples get pregnant.

Gestational Carriers

A gestational carrier gives same-sex male couples, or women who are unable or choose not to carry a pregnancy, the chance to be parents.

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