Medically Managed Weight Loss

Linda knew she needed to make a drastic change in my lifestyle. Listen to her story, in her own words:

I was born with severe hip dysplasia, and was told I’d never walk normally without assistive crutches. Twelve years of physical therapy and many pairs of orthopedic boots later, I was able to walk normally, but still had many leg problems. My whole life seemed to be inactive.  Even as a young teen one of my favorite hobbies was watching old movies from the 30s and 40s. And I always was “the chubby kid.”

I never felt full or satiated when eating. I had managed to keep my weight down through high school, but in college my weight ballooned up over 230 pounds. Eating was controlling my life. I couldn’t pass a fast food place without thinking of ‘just a soda,’ or ‘just a burger,’ and then getting a whole meal in its place.

A Change Followed By Setbacks

In my mid-twenties, I took a nutrition course, began exercising, and lost about 100 pounds. I kept it off for nearly two years. Then due to a series of traumatic events in my life over which I had no control, I just gave up and gave in to my appetite. My self-worth was at an all-time low.

This was followed by a series of health setbacks, including multiple sclerosis, heart valve disease, and arthritis in both knees. The pain of walking a flight of steps was intense. I became short of breath very easily. My one enjoyment in life was still cooking and eating.

Medically-managed Weight Loss Program

I knew I needed to make a drastic change in my lifestyle. In January 2012, after attending a free information session about a non-surgical option for weight loss, I joined the medically managed program at LG Health Physicians Healthy Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery.

The staff was amazing and I looked forward to seeing them every week. They were straight forward about what the program could do for me, and what I would have to do for myself to be successful. They were never too busy to answer my questions. Weigh-ins were positive experiences. Even if I had only lost one pound (most weeks were 3-5 pounds) they would say “Good job!”

I learned how to adapt exercises to my health situation. I do a lot of swimming now. It works for my knees, my balance issues with MS, and offers resistance training.

There are so many things I can enjoy now that I could not do before--working in my flower beds, walking up a flight of stairs, and getting dressed in the morning without feeling like I need a nap afterward. I’m doing laundry and cleaning again! I feel like a true support to my husband, instead of a millstone around his neck.

And, it’s wonderful to not be embarrassed in a bathing suit!

I feel confident in myself, my abilities, and in presenting myself to others. I respect myself more than I did before. It’s amazing how losing weight and feeling healthier changes your whole outlook on life.

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