Woman working out

Your employees spend a significant amount of their waking hours at work. So it’s crucial that your workplace supports their health and well-being. With Penn Medicine HealthWorks, you have a proven partner in engaging your employees to improve their health.

Our corporate wellness services include a variety of options. We work with you to create the customized package that best meets your employees’ and business’s needs and aligns with your values. Improving your employees’ wellness helps to keep them on the job and lowers their risk of chronic diseases. Over time, this reduces absenteeism and decreases your health care claims costs.

Corporate wellness services reward your company in many additional ways, including enhanced reputation and boosted morale. With everything we do, we have one goal: to help your employees achieve their healthiest lives.

Our Corporate Wellness Services

We understand that when the medical system is so complex, your employees are less likely to engage with it. That’s why we designed our on-site services to simplify wellness. Your employees have convenient access to professional health guidance without scheduling or traveling to extra appointments.

Our wide range of corporate wellness offerings includes:

  • Biometric screenings: We offer on-site biometric screenings to check blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI). Quick blood draws and finger stick tests allow us to give your employees timely results and personalized recommendations to improve their health.
  • Flu clinics: Our highly skilled nurses come to your business to give flu shots to your employees. Bringing these clinics to the workplace makes it easier and more convenient for your employees, eliminating the need to take time off work, and boosts participation rates.
  • Health coaching and nurse navigation programs: We bring health educators to your site to meet one on one with employees. These nurse navigators and health coaches assess your employees’ needs, goals, and health barriers. Then they create an individualized plan for each employee designed to help improve well-being. These educators monitor your employees over time, helping them navigate their health. Most employers who partner with us choose a monthly set of hours during which coaches come on-site to meet with employees.
  • Preventive care campaigns: Educational materials and workshops help guide your employees to get the preventive services they need. From primary care visits to cancer screening, we help your employees understand how to stay healthy.
  • Well-being programs: Our comprehensive employee health programs include well-being assessments, team-building activities, and incentives for reaching health milestones. A personalized well-being platform allows you to monitor employee participation and provide a reasonable alternative with continuing education courses.

Our team can also help guide you through legal requirements and other complexities of offering a wellness program.


“Having on-site flu clinics conveniently provides our employees with flu shots without the hassle or disruption of taking time off for appointments. It’s also a great way to ensure that they stay healthy and help protect our team from seasonal flu.”

—Partner at John F. Martin & Sons

Why Choose the Penn Medicine HealthWorks Corporate Wellness Program?

You’re paying more and more money for your employees’ health care, only for them to continue getting sicker when they don’t have proper wellness tools in place. With expert care personalized to every patient’s needs, our corporate wellness programs can help your employees lower their risk of disease. We support your employees in maintaining good health and wellness—while saving money for your company.

With HealthWorks, you can offer your employees a range of expanded, supplementary health care benefits. Our unique model empowers you to build a customized package of wellness offerings.

With our corporate wellness programs, we offer: 

  • Access to highly trained professionals: Our on-site screeners are all registered nurses educated in preventive care and well-being. They have the skills to interpret screening results and provide real-time recommendations for health improvement.
  • Employee engagement: Healthier employees are happier employees. Bringing necessary health services directly to your employees can help boost productivity, increase engagement, and improve work-life balance.
  • Established reputation: HealthWorks is backed by Penn Medicine, a trusted part of your community. You and your employees interact with local experts invested in keeping our community healthy. 
  • Cost savings: Detecting and preventing chronic disease is key to improving health outcomes and managing your health care spend. Our corporate wellness offerings can improve employee health, lower injury incidence, and reduce absenteeism. Ultimately, your business spends less on emergency care, urgent care, and specialty visits, directly benefiting your bottom line.
  • Customized solutions: We work with you to determine the type and frequency of services that meet your business’s and employees’ needs. Whether it’s quarterly, monthly, weekly, or even more often, we create a schedule that best serves your needs and preferences.

Contact Us

Request more information, and one of our representatives will contact you during business operating hours, Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 4:30 pm ET.

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