massage relaxation

Stress, burnout, and chronic pain significantly impact your employees’ well-being. When employees struggle to manage a physical or mental health condition, it affects their productivity, job satisfaction, and retention. With Penn Medicine HealthWorks Holistic Therapies, you can help your employees improve their well-being and achieve healthier lives.

You may incorporate holistic therapies into your corporate wellness plan by bringing our services on-site. We also have locations throughout the region where your employees pay an up-front, per-visit fee that’s competitive with average massage and acupuncture rates. Plus, they get access to a highly trained professional who works with them on a comprehensive treatment plan.

Our holistic therapies complement other HealthWorks offerings to help your employees set and meet their most important wellness goals.

Holistic Therapy Services We Offer

Our holistic treatments often provide deep relaxation—but it’s more than that. We combine a clinical and therapeutic approach to help your employees manage chronic conditions, reduce uncomfortable symptoms, and improve overall well-being.

We offer multiple holistic therapies, including:

  • Acupuncture: This ancient form of Chinese medicine uses very thin, sterile needles to stimulate specific points on your body. These needles target connective tissue lines, redirecting how your body receives or perceives pain. Our acupuncturists consult with your employees to gain a comprehensive view of their health, then create personalized treatment plans. Our team can also provide group acupuncture on-site.
  • Massage therapy: Our massage therapists specialize in therapeutic massage, using multiple modalities to help improve your employees’ overall health. We start with a consultation to discuss their health needs, current function, and goals. Then we create a treatment plan that may include specific massage types, at-home exercises, or recommended lifestyle changes. We may also come to your business to provide chair massages, which have been proven more effective than a 15-minute break.
  • Mind-body movement: Mindful movement fuses mindfulness meditation and self-massage with gentle movement. We offer yoga, which combines stretching, slow movement, deep breathing, and meditation to improve well-being. Our services also include Qigong, a traditional Chinese medicine practice that uses slow, purposeful movement, balancing exercises, and breathing to improve function.
  • Mindfulness: This style of meditation offers body awareness and gentle stretching while exploring patterns of behavior, thinking, feeling, and action.
  • Well-being workshops and events: Our team designs and hosts events to help your employees cultivate healthy habits and boost morale. Workshops may tackle topics such as resiliency, self-care, or stress management. Events center on our core services, including massage therapy, acupuncture, mind-body movement, and mindfulness. 

How Can Holistic Therapies Improve Well-being?

Therapeutic massage, acupuncture, mindfulness, and mind-body movement can improve your employees’ overall health and lower their risk of chronic disease. Many people who come to our outpatient clinics find that holistic therapies help treat issues such as:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or any other type of musculoskeletal pain
  • Chronic migraines
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive complaints
  • Insomnia
  • Respiratory conditions, such as allergies or dry eyes
  • Women’s health concerns, including menopause symptoms and nausea during pregnancy

Why Choose Penn Medicine HealthWorks Holistic Therapies?

Employers who prioritize their employees’ well-being notice direct correlations with their on-the-job engagement and productivity. Well-being is no longer an individual matter but an organizational one.

Our holistic therapies are part of Penn Medicine HealthWorks. HealthWorks is a customizable employee wellness program that allows you to offer expanded, supplementary health care benefits. Unlike other services on the market, we empower you to build a personalized package of wellness offerings.

With holistic therapies, we offer:

  • Coordinated care: Our providers use electronic health records that connect to your employees’ other medical visits. This allows us to look at what care an employee has already received and what medical needs they may have. Our team can also connect easily with your employees’ other providers or specialists when needed to coordinate care.
  • Relationship-based treatment: Our clinics experience exceptional provider retention, allowing your employees to build a relationship with their therapist or acupuncturist. Working with a provider who has a comprehensive view of your employees’ health history helps improve results and satisfaction.
  • Expanded on-site offerings: We work in tandem with other HealthWorks offerings. This means we can offer on-site services like chair massages, yoga, or meditations as part of your corporate wellness program.
  • Convenient access: With multiple locations across the Lancaster area, we make it easy to access our services. We offer holistic therapies at Lancaster General Health Willow Lakes, Rock Wellness, and Queen Street.
  • Accessible pricing: We offer all our services at accessible, transparent price points. Our costs are lower than a typical spa, and employees don’t need to worry about tipping or hidden costs. With all HealthWorks offerings, we aim to provide exceptional services that improve your employees’ health while benefiting your bottom line.

Holistic Therapy Pricing

We charge $100 per hour/provider for chair massage, group acupuncture, mindfulness, or mind-body movement on site. Our rates include travel time, set-up, and breakdown. We require a two-hour on-site minimum when booking our services. Contact us to learn more about rates for well-being events and workshops.

Your employees may also schedule massage or acupuncture services at our outpatient locations. We may bill for these visits if an employee has an insurance plan that covers holistic therapies.

For massage therapies, employees pay:

  • $52 for the first session
  • $80 for a 60-minute session

For acupuncture, employees pay:

  • $90 for 60-minute session

Contact Us

Request more information, and one of our representatives will contact you during business operating hours, Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 4:30 pm ET.

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