Care Connections is a program created to care for the whole patient – body, mind, and spirit.

A Comprehensive Approach

Care Connections integrates medical, behavioral health, and socioeconomic services. Our team-based approach helps connect the dots for patients with complex challenges, increasing their ability to manage their own health.

docter helping patient move her hand

Care Connections is a short-term program integrating medical and care management services. Our team-based approach helps connect the dots for patients with complex challenges.

While a patient is in the program, the Care Connections team becomes their temporary primary care provider and office. We share progress updates with their previous provider and upon graduation from the program, complete a warm hand-off back to that provider. If a patient is under the care of other specialists, they continue to see them during their time in Care Connections.

Our Mission Statement and Values

Our mission is to transform the quality of care for patients with complex needs, by utilizing innovative delivery models and empowering each patient with sustainable skills and resources to self-manage care in his/her primary care setting. We embrace the following values: 

  • Engagement: We commit to nurture the patient’s ability to solve problems through critical decision making, and strive to deepen the patient’s commitment to personal responsibility, community investment, partnership with a team, and personal wellness.
  • Quality Care: We define quality care as: holistic, patient-driven, empowerment focused, team-based, sustainably minded, engagement driven, multi-systemic and seamlessly transitioned.
  • Empowerment: We view the patient as the leader of a multidisciplinary team who will define and direct personal goals for health care empowerment. Motivational interviewing will provide the framework to identify patient goals and subsequently focus care team (including patient) on care management plan.
  • Sustainability: We will strive to create sustainable solutions to change that will equip patients with skills and resources for effective self-management of health care issues for the long-term.
  • Advocacy: We commit to advocating for individual needs of patients within the health care system, the local community and on state and federal levels. We also commit to advocating for new delivery models of care to help persons with complex needs and will strive to educate health care providers at all levels of training and experience.

In This Section...

Meet the Care Connections Team

The Care Connections team includes clinicians, social workers, case managers, patient care navigators, pharmacists, and chaplains.

Patient Information

A guide for Care Connections patients.

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