Gait Deficits

Harry Kooker recoverd after using KneeKG.

It all started back in 2000 with what dairy cattle veterinarian Harley Kooker describes as a run-in with a “nasty cow.” While caring for one of his patients, Harley was kicked soundly in the knee and suffered extensive damage. 

Surgery repaired the injury and kept the Christiana, PA man going strong for 18 years. Even retirement in 2011 didn’t slow him down. Harley, an avid outdoorsman, remained active working on his farm, hunting, fishing, and pursuing a new passion—speed walking.

Knee Replacement Surgery

And it was the speed walking that eventually revealed new, painful knee issues.

“During my seventh year of speed walking, my knee would start to subluxate,” says Harley, who after consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon, underwent a full knee replacement.

Ongoing Pain

Despite a successful surgery and diligent follow-up with his physical therapy exercises, after eight months, Harley still had swelling, tightness and pain behind his knee. He sought a second opinion, which eventually led him to Dr. Patrick Moreno with LG Health Physicians Sports Medicine.

After examining Harley and ordering several other diagnostic tests, Dr. Moreno suggested KneeKG (knee kinesiograph)—an advanced computerized movement assessment device.

How KneeKG Works

“There are many imaging studies available, including X-ray and MRI, to show what the knee looks like at rest,” says Dr. Moreno. “KneeKG can help us to see what happens when the knee is in motion, which is when people most often experience pain.”

During his KneeKG assessment, Harley wore a brace-like device while walking on a treadmill. The use of 3-D motion capture technology allowed Dr. Moreno and Harley’s physical therapist, Ben Adams, DPT, to pinpoint the source of the problem and develop a customized plan of care.

Harley’s KneeKG revealed three areas of deficit with his gait—movement patterns that were causing unnecessary stress to muscles and tendons in his knee and hamstrings, causing tightness and pain.

Diagnosis and an Action Plan

“KneeKG started me down a whole new path,” smiles Harley. “It was so good to finally learn why I was experiencing pain and have an action plan.”

Based on the KneeKG findings, Harley began a very precise physical therapy treatment plan with Ben, optimized to correct his gait issues. 

“Ben was wonderful,” says Harley. “We hit it off immediately and therapy sessions with him are making a tremendous difference in relieving some of the tightness I had been experiencing.”

With this treatment, along with aspiration of the Baker’s cyst behind his knee, Harley has less pain and is enjoying a more active lifestyle again.

“If only I had access to KneeKG long ago, I believe I could have avoided many painful months and been so much further along in my recovery.”

Who is a Candidate for KneeKG?

Anyone with knee pain is a good candidate for KneeKG testing,” explains Ben. “Individuals with sporting injuries, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, or knee pain after knee surgery as in Harley’s case, may benefit from being tested.” 

The test typically takes less than 45 minutes and results are often available immediately. Depending on test results, your physician may recommend physical therapy for corrective exercises, a knee brace or orthotics.

Where is KneeKG Available?

Knee KG testing is currently being offered at Lancaster General Health’s Kissel Hill outpatient location and will soon be offered at the Parkesburg location. A doctor’s referral is not required for testing and several insurance companies cover the cost of the test. Physical therapy after testing (if recommended) can be done at any Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health location. Click on the "Schedule Physical Therapy" button to connect for appointment information.

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