Do you ever feel afraid of your partner?
Has your partner ever pushed you, slapped you, thrown things at you, or forced you to have sex?
Does your partner control all the money?
Does your partner threaten to hurt you, your children, or your pets?

If so, you are not alone. Domestic violence happens in all types of families without regard to race, class, ethnicity, profession or religion.

Help is available. Call Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster: 717-299-1249

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is about more than hitting. It’s a pattern of abusive behavior that includes violence, intimidation, and threats for the purpose of gaining control over another person.

It includes the use or the threat of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and economic abuse. Abusive partners use threats, isolation, and other behaviors to maintain control over their victims. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 85% of the victims are women.

Why is Lancaster General Health Concerned About it?

Domestic violence is a public health issue that impacts more women than heart disease, diabetes or cancer. In fact, it is so common the American Medical Association urges all medical providers to ask all of their female patients about domestic violence.

As a community-based healthcare system, Lancaster General Health has an opportunity to help to prevent domestic violence, and assist victims. Our domestic violence program includes community education projects, training for medical staff on identifying and sensitively responding to victims in a safe and confidential setting, and a Domestic Violence Employee Awareness and Assistance Policy.

Become a Resource

We encourage you to become familiar with the resources on this website. By learning about domestic violence and where to get help, you can be a resource to your friends, family, coworkers and the community.

Talk to Us

If you have been abused in the past, or are currently being hurt by someone, talk to your doctor or nurse so they can assess the impact on your health. They will also provide you with information about where and how you can get help whenever you are ready. The choice is yours, and there are resources to help you!

Sexual Assault Support Programs

  • Adults: If you or a loved one is the victim of a sexual assault, please come to the Emergency Department located at 555 N. Duke Street or go to a safe location and call the police or the YWCA Sexual Assault Hotline at 717-392-7273 as soon as possible.
  • Children: The Lancaster County Children’s Alliance (LCA) provides children who are victims of sexual abuse and their families with comprehensive services within a safe, child-friendly environment. As a child advocacy center (CAC), LCA brings together various members of child protection, law enforcement, prosecution, victim advocacy, medical and mental health communities to assist the children. Click here for more information or call 717-544-1929.
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